Big Reno-Deathrattle Mage

Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
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Hi guys! Today I'll show you a new strange version of the big spell Mage archetype: a version with Reno Jackson, Kalecgos and N'Zoth, the Corruptor, everything mixed with Luna's Pocket Galaxy! I hope you'll enjoy it :)

Card choices and replacements:

Kalecgos - I've decided to put it in for a simple reason: IT'S AN INCREDIBLE TEMPO SWING! Combined with Luna's Pocket Galaxy it will destroy everything! Since it hasn't been released yet, I have no idea how it will impact the meta, so don't craft it the first day. You can replace it with Alexstrasza (a dragon for a dragon :P);
Sindragosa - It's a pretty good card for his body (8 mana 8/8) and with a good effect. It has a good synergy with N'Zoth, the Corruptor, and you can replace it with Rotten Applebaum, for his deathrattle effect;
Medivh, the Guardian - It has good synergies with big spell and Kazakus spells. It can be replaced with The Lich King;
Sylvanas Windrunner - It's very good versus big priest, since you can steal things like Obsidian Statue. You can replace it with Loatheb or Emperor Thaurissan;
Pyros - Incredible first turns card and awesome synergy with N'Zoth, the Corruptor. You may replace it with Gluttonous Ooze or with Dirty Rat.

The other legendaries are irreplaceable.


Rogue - It might be a mill Rogue, so try to not keep high cost cards. Always keep low cost cards like Pyros, Mistress of Mixtures and Raven Familiar;
Priest - It will probabily be a big Priest, so keep cards like Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Polymorph and Kazakus;
Paladin - It might be an aggro Paladin, so try to not keep high cost cards. Keep cards like Stonehill Defender, Deathlord and Twilight Flamecaller;
Druid - It might be an OTK or a spiteful Druid, so try to not keep high cost cards. Try to keep cards like Deathlord, Kazakus and Luna's Pocket Galaxy;
Shaman - It will probabily be an even Shaman, so keep cards like Doomsayer, Kazakus and Pyros;
Hunter - Since it could be an aggro mech Hunter, do not keep high cost cards. Always keep Kazakus, Stonehill Defender and Sludge Belcher;
Mage - It might be a control or tempo Mage. Keep cards like Kazakus, Luna's Pocket Galaxy and Reno Jackson;
Warrior - It will probabily be an odd or control Warrior, so keep cards like Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Pyros and Sylvanas Windrunner;
Warlock - It might be everything, since it has many archetypes in the actual meta. Try to keep cards like Doomsayer, Kazakus and Pyros.

Kazakus Card Image + Reno Jackson Card Image = ❤

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