Tamsin and Neeru, sitting in a tree…

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
  • Casual

This is an attempt to make the Neeru Fireblade package playable together with The Demon Seed, and make fatigue work in your favour. I think the current Neeru archetype have potential, and I took some of the vital cards to balance with the questline.

In the early game you want to control, clear out minions and tap. You will probably get a decent hand, so Entitled Customer will be a vital board clear mid-game. First of all you want to survive and work towards the questline, then drop your big guns and watch your opponent despair.

Dungar is mainly here for healing, you could of course switch him for other options, but flexibility is always good! There is no way Tamsin Roame should be excluded from her own story, and here she should get you a lot of value from the Shadow spells. Also, friendly reminder that Lord Jaraxxus’ attacks should cause some additional self-damage  

Neeru and the questline should work together, but you might want to tweak your deck depending on how fast you want to use the one or the other. To have them both active and work together is probably just a meme dream, but it’s a beautiful dream and I will surely try it out. 

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Update #1

Card changes 3 years, 4 months ago (United in Stormwind)

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