Quest Miracle Demon Hunter

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
  • Casual

This deck revolves around Lion's Frenzy and the new DH quest Final Showdown. Our goal is to complete the quest as quick as possible using the various card draw tools in this deck. The quest reward is Demonslayer Kurtrus, who reduces the cost of each card we draw by 2. Our main win condition is Lion's Frenzy, which has attack equal to the number of cards drawn. We can either use Glide to shuffle our hand back into our deck and draw a bunch of cheap cards, or use Gadgetzan Auctioneer as a draw engine. Since our deck consists mostly of spells and most of them will cost zero after completing the quest, we can use Gadgetzan Auctioneer to cycle through our deck and gain a lot of attack on Lion's Frenzy. The Illidari Inquisitor can help to finish our opponent if we lack some damage.

Zai, the Incredible can be used to duplicate some key cards, like Skull of Gul'dan, Illidari Inquisitor, or even the quest reward Demonslayer Kurtrus to discount the drawn cards twice. Since this deck focusses on card draw, Mankrik will most likely find his wife quickly. Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate is an emergency button and will always be active on turn 10 since our deck is spell-heavy. Educated Elekk can be used to shuffle more cards in our decks in case we are getting close to fatigue. The biggest issue for our game plan are taunt minions, but Kayn Sunfury knows ways to ignore these obstacles. All of the cards mentioned in this paragraph are not cruxial for our general game plan and can be considered as flex spots, i.e., they can be replaced by tech cards depending on the meta.

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Card Changelog (Click to View)
Update #1

Card changes 3 years, 4 months ago (United in Stormwind)

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