Shadows in Midst - Theorycraft

Last updated 3 years, 7 months ago by
  • Casual

Probably the most interesting of the entire set, outside of quest decks. The much loved Shadowform has finally lost the clunky 2 mana required and you get it from the start of the game. What does this mean? It means you're playing priest - but with a win condition.

Sadly try as I might to imagine it, this deck will simply never escape card generation because its simply what priest does best. But hey, at very least if you're going to lose to this priest, it will not be because you've just lost your will to live.



- From the start what you'll notice is that there is only one 1 drop, which is Voidtouched Attendant. This means you always mulligan for this right? Nope. This card is legitimately to be played on turn 1 if and only if: -

1) Your opponent is warlock - Just smile when they tap on turn 2 and turn 3.

2) Your opponent is face hunter and you start first (no coin) - You never want to play this on turn 1 if your opponent has board. Wolpertinger on 1 will rekt you instantly.

3) Your opponent is priest (not shadow priest) - Because its likely only you will benefit from it more than them.

Instead, this card can be treated as a sort-of buff card like Raid Leader. Bear in mind that all sources means spells and weapons, so if you can wait long enough your Shadowcloth Needle can potentially deal 9 damage to face.

- This is a midrange deck, which means you'll play for board until you get just the right moment to push for lethal with your burn cards. Use the new hero power to control board; tempo is still the real damage source despite your stronger hero power.

- The way to play Psyfiend is to simply forget its secondary effect if you can drop it on turn 3. Its still a respectable 3/4 on 3 anyway. In the late game will be when the 'deal 2 damage' actually becomes relevant.

- The one card you will always play whenever you can will be Shadowed Spirit. Ideally you'd want to get multiple copies from Raise Dead.

- Cheesemonger gets lots of stick. On paper its only real power is that its a 3/6 on 4. But against control, which will be the bane of this deck, this card will simply be a cheaper Ogremancer most of the time. Its true that you only get random spells, but that doesn't mean your opponent can easily just ignore this. Bear in mind that its 6 health means its not easily removed, and your opponent will likely want this dead, which means he'll ignore everything else, like his own gameplan or yours.

Plus, it gives you stuff to do. And when you're saving up shadow spells it may make a difference.

- There is an argument that you'll never play Thrive in the Shadows, until you play Mankrik, until you get your Shadowcloth Needle out, or until the late game with psyfiend. There's not many spells in your deck and ideally you'd want to play for board 90% of the time. Also, being a shadow spell means its fuel for 2 extra damage.

- Above all, take full advantage of your new hero power. Shoot that face down!


Card Mulligan Guide

Against Aggro - Mull for minions, but take care what turn you're in. You never want Voidtouched Attendant if you're playing 2nd (means you have coin). Hero power should help with tempo until turn 3-4.

Against control - Mull for Palm Reading, Mankrik and Cheesemonger. You'd want to build up your cheap shadow spells and burn the opponent in the late game. Early game minions are nice, but most control decks can heal and you can hp their face anyway.

Against handlock - Mull for Voidtouched Attendant and Pandaren Importer. Panda girl might give you an option against the big early minions, and attendant will actively discourage them from tapping. And having 3 health means they may not be able to deal with it.


Notes, card replacements

- I wish I can predict what's coming up, but from the top of my head its likely you'll be greeting lots of spell mages, handlocks, quest decks, and handbuff pally. This deck should be good enough, but against spell mage you can easily just swap Call of the Grave for Cult Neophytes.

- If handlock is everywhere you might want to just drop the Pandaren Importer if you're not confident in it for Venomous Scorpid, which will pressure their early big dudes. Or get rid of the Cheesemongers. The choice is yours.

- If rogue is good you remove one card, any card, for Mindrender Illucia, which will single-handedly kick (many) rogue's arse.

- Call of the Grave should ideally be played on turn 6, to minimize the potential for duds. Even the simplest deathrattle that spawns a minion will be good. Even better with palm reading discount because then you have a better chance of playing that minion immediate along with the triggered deathrattle.

- There's 11 shadow spells in this deck. Minus Palm Reading because you never save this spell and because of discounting other spells, that's about 8 spells because Soul Mirror is too expensive. That's one psyfiend with shadowcloth needle equiped prior and 1 voidtouched attendant and you're looking at dealing 15 damage with three 1 costed shadow spells on turn 7. Doing the math early will be key to your victory.

- Ideally you want to have higher health than your opponent, even if only by 1. Wouldn't do for you to push your psyfiend and voidtouched attendant only to die yourself.

- There's one small argument, which will need further experimentation to determine its viability. It may be better to ditch the Cheesemonger and Void Shard just so you can fit Kazakus, Golem Shaper in this deck. Kazakus + raise dead = lots of value and board. Will be experimenting on this when the expansion starts.


If this works, then congratulations team5 you've just made another face deck.

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Card Changelog (Click to View)
Update #1

Card changes 3 years, 7 months ago (United in Stormwind)

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