Overload Combo Shaman
- Spell Damage Shaman
- Wild
- Casual
This deck aims to set up a flashy OTK by completing the new United in Stormwind shaman questline Command the Elements and using its ultimate reward Stormcaller Bru'kan.
The final combo is quite versatile. You don't depend on a specific combo too much, meaning you can expend rescources more flexibly without having to hold onto too many cards. This adds a good deal of challenge to rescource management as opposed other combo decks that often rely on "get exactly these cards, don't use them". Many combo possibilities explained in the combos section!
Card Draw
Shaman has notoriously bad card draw options. Due to the new quest and 2xOverdraft adding additional overload unlocking, Ancestral Knowledge finally becomes a mana efficient card draw option, but the deck doesn't have much more draw than this which is its biggest weakness. Overdraft's tradeable comes in clutch here, and it will generally be a good idea to copy Ancestral Knowledge with Diligent Notetaker.
On to the combos! All combos assume the quest has been completed and the final reward played.
This deck can combo out in many ways all of which involve throwing damage spells at your opponents face. Setting up with an Imprisoned Phoenix in advance is preferable as it increases your reach by a great deal. It does have the problem of telegraphing to your opponent.
With a single phoenix on board the following combos kill a 30 hp opponent (not all forms of combos listed)*:
- Greater Sapphire Spellstone + One of Lightning Bolt / Lava Shock / Serpentshrine Portal / Lavaburst
- Sapphire Spellstone + 2 of Lightning Bolt / Lava Shock or 1 Lavaburst
- Lesser Sapphire Spellstone + Lightning Bolt + 1 of Lightning Bolt / Lava Shock
- Lavaburst + 2 of Lightning Bolt / Lavashock / Serpentshrine Portal / Overdraft
*Lightning Bloom and Diligent Notetaker add a lot of flexibility.
My current assumption is that a double casted Overdraft only benefits from overload once but spell damage twice.
Combos without phoenix are much tighter, but a spare Lightning Bloom can fix a lot there. Don't forget that bloom generates 4 mana and 4 overload. Thalnos + R3 Spellstone is still 7 spell damage, allowing kills with most combinations of 2 damage spells.
The spellstone is more flexible than you might think. You can use it on a Mana Tide Totem or Thalnos just to draw a bunch of cards, or you can use it with Dilligent Notetaker and Lightning Bolt to generate a bunch of lightning bolts to finish off your opponent next turn. Maybe your aggro opponent lets you stick a Canal Slogger to copy.
You don't always need to combo an opponent down from 30 in one turn. A chunky Overdraft or Lavaburst on a previous turn can put an opponent low enough to finish them off later. Reno players are very hesitant to use him just to heal up 8 or 6 hp, and if they do it slows down their own gameplan a bit also.
Completing the questline doesn't kill the opponent by itself, but even if you don't have the cards to finish off your opponent, the reward can help you get there more quickly. Guidance and Ancestral Knowledge
This deck is quite demanding on the player with the many interactions, rescource management (mana and cards), and damage counting. This offers a lot of replayability. As mainly a combo player I hope Command the Elements can reach it's full potential in the wild United in Stormwind meta!
For a theory craft I think it is important list some notable exclusions, as these are cards that may end up finding a spot in the final version of the deck:
Primal Dungeoneer
Lightning Storm
Storm Chaser
Rune Dagger
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2Update #3
Card changes 3 years, 4 months ago (United in Stormwind)
Update #2
Card changes 3 years, 4 months ago (United in Stormwind)
Update #1
Card changes 3 years, 4 months ago (United in Stormwind)
- Guidance 2
- Totemic Smash -2
- 00
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- 07+
- 0 Lightning Bloom x 2
- 1 Command the Elements x 1
- 1 Devolving Missiles x 2
- 1 Guidance x 2
- 1 Lightning Bolt x 2
- 1 Overdraft x 2
- 2 Ancestral Knowledge x 2
- 2 Diligent Notetaker x 2
- 2 Imprisoned Phoenix x 2
- 2 Lava Shock x 2
- 2 Perpetual Flame x 2
- 3 Healing Rain x 1
- 3 Lava Burst x 1
- 3 Mana Tide Totem x 1
- 3 Serpentshrine Portal x 2
- 4 Canal Slogger x 2
- 7 Lesser Sapphire Spellstone x 1
- 2 Bloodmage Thalnos x 1
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