The Demon Seed

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
  • Casual

All cards are selected for their mana efficiency.

100% Core in the deck:

*Arasani is a 0 mana heal 4, add a 4/6 taunt for 6 to your hand. 0 mana heal 4 is very good, we don't care about the body

Questionable cards in this deck:

  • Blood Shard Bristleback - Can we activate this? Do we even care? We might be winning too hard by the time this activates. A likely cut, but I'll test it at the start because healing can win games vs aggro.
  • Runed Mithril Rod - Is this good enough, or is Darkglare better? Maybe we play both?
  • Soup Vendor - A meme or the nuts? Remember it activates on the first 2 steps of the quest completion and Aranasi Broodmother. If we can draw 2 off this we are happy I think. Tour Guide comes in clutch for this.
  • Tamsin Roame  - Worth playing at all?  Rod may interfere too much by making our cheap shadow spells cost 0.
  • Drain Soul - I think it strongly depends on wether Soup Vendor is playable or not. Healing is only secondary to self damage. This is single target removal spell #7 and #8 and the other spells do their job better. A Likely cut

Cards I have my eye on:

  • Mistress of Mixtures - extremely mana efficient healing, can trigger Soup Vendor, can even self-trigger it with Touch of the Nathrezim. The biggest downside I see here is polution for Raise Dead.
  • Tinkmaster Overspark - We never have much of a board to care about, and this deals with Big Shaman and Rezz Priest somewhat. Is that enough to care about though?
  • Defile - A control warlock staple. I'm not convinced that we need it, Soul Rend looks strong enough.
  • Bloodbound Imp - While it does have good stats, I think it is more cute than good
  • Darkglare - I'm not convinced we need this, but I won't be surprised if it finds a spot.
  • The Soularium - Very efficient draw, looks like it goes great with Runed Mithril Rod
  • Unlicensed Apothecary - I don't think this deck needs to worry about closing out the game extra fast once the quest is completed, but if it does this is the card that does it.


Likely changes from current list:


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Card Changelog (Click to View)
Update #1

Card changes 3 years, 4 months ago (United in Stormwind)

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