Y'Shaarj Bolner OTK Shaman

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
  • Casual

Hey people, Meneldor here. Today I'll present you the theorycraft deck that I find not only fun to play but I also believe it's going to be a serious meta contender.

The main goal of this deck is to kill your opponent with combo that I'll explain in the next paragraph or to survive against aggro.

The main combo goes like this:

1. Throughout the game you want to corrupt Dunk Tank and Circus Medic. Dunk Tank isn't that important to corrupt but it's a nice addition because it's already a good card that fits in almost any deck. Circus Medic however is needed to be corrupted. You only need one corrupted so the other one can be used for healing. That is exactly what makes it a perfect fit into this deck. It's both combo enabler in slow games and great healing option against aggro.

2. Once you've done that you'll need Bolner Hammerbeak, Y'Shaarj, the Defiler and one Lightning Bloom. Taelan Fordring is a natural fit in this deck as it gets you Y'Shaarj directly.

3. Now you play your Bolner, Lightning Bloom and Y'Shaarj. Y'Shaarj will get you your corrupted Circus Medic which will then trigger Y'Shaarj effect because of Bolner's ability and you'll get infinite Circus Medics that do 4 damage each therefore creating an OTK.

The main reason why I think this deck is going to be high tier is because it can do well both against aggro and slower decks. It has enough draw, healing and board clear. If you play against aggro you want your opening hand to have cards like Perpetual Flame, Armor Vendor, Tidal Surge and Canal Slogger. Against slower decks you want your main card draw which is Primal Dungeoneer, Cornelius Roame and Taelan Fordring.

The playstyle is pretty much simple. Get your combo pieces as early as possible and survive until then.

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