Let's Achieve Something!

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
  • Casual

United in Stormwind has brought a new set of achievements. Unfortunately, most of the class achievements involve Epic and Legendary cards, which aren't readily available for everyone. I picked Warlock because of their ability to cheat their way into some achievements and their innate ability to draw cards with their hero power.

Achievements we can grind with this deck:

  • Simply Enchanting - Runed Mithril Rod related achievement. 
  • Butter My Biscuits - Let's face it, we will take a lot of face damage constantly pinging ourselves with our HP, so Spice Bread Baker's battlecrty becomes extra useful
  • Forgot This at Home - Pandaren Importer's achievement, helps with getting extra cards for Simply Enchanting and Butter My Biscuits as well.
  • It's My Way of the Hogger's Way - Goldshire Gnoll's achievement, Pandaren Importer provides extra discounts.
  • No Layover - We receiver Flightmaster Dungar for free, so we can start working on this achievement earlier. If you had this achievement done, feel free to remove him in favor of other achievement cards or control cards to delay the game as much as possible.
  • Snakes on a Blade - Two Rustrot Viper's in the deck. Unfortunately, not everyone plays weapons, so this achievement might be extra annoying to complete.
  • The Adorable Aspect - So, they don't specify which Legendary dragon we have to summon. It can be any Legendary dragon, including a Brightwing with discounts from Runed Mithril Rod and Emperor Thaurissan
  • The Usual Suspects - Just get lucky with Stubborn Suspect's deathrattle, i guess.
  • What is your Profession?! - Runed Mithril Rod is, once again, you friend. Also, if you have access to it, don't forget Skull of the Man'ari, which synergises with the small big demon shell this deck has.
  • WTB and WTS - Two different Tradeable achievements, we're running plenty of those.

Some of the cards included beyond the achievement ones are basically a small big demon package and Defile. I chose these for their ability to prolong the game for as long as possible, but you're not forced to use these, you can use whatever control cards you desire.

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Card Changelog (Click to View)
Update #1

Card changes 3 years, 4 months ago (United in Stormwind)

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