73% Winrate Discolock

Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
  • Ranked

Hey Guys! 

This deck revolves around the usage of the discard mechanic. I've been experimenting with this for a while so here is the list which i came up with. It's quite straightforward. I hope you like it, have fun. 

I've had a blast with this deck recently, ranking up from rank 17 to rank 5. 

Card Choices

Flame Imp: Overstatted 1 drop. Always a keep.

Kobold Librarian: A useful 1 drop with a draw. Sometimes it can cause you trouble (against Defile or Spreading Plague) so I recommend to trade it away early.

Malchezaar's Imp: A well-statted 1 drop which you can use as a draw engine, or just play it on turn 1 if you don't have another one drop.

Soulfire: These are the only spells which we have. Can be used as a removal or reach.

Dark Peddler: One of our tech cards. It isn't well-statted for an aggro deck but it can find you asnwers in different situations (cards like Soulfire; Power Overwhelming; Spirit Bomb or The Soularium)

Felstalker: An overstatted 2 drop with discard. Works well against priests.

Tiny Knight of Evil: One of our trump cards. It's power-level is often underestimated. Btw it's a demon.

Reckless Diretroll: Another underestimated card. The controlled discard effect is great and the 2/6 body can defend your early minions. 

Silverware Golem: The core of this deck. Always mulligan for it.

Vicious Fledgling: Our favourite birdie. Always a threat on the board, so you can use it as a bait as well.

High Priestess Jeklik: Another tech card. Basically it's in the deck because of its discard synergy. It helps a lot against hunters.

Lakkari Felhound: Similar to Reckless Diretroll. Against aggro, it can do wonders.

Spellbreaker: Tech against Big Priests and locks. 

Doomguard: CHAARGE!!!

Faceless Manipulator: Synergy with Doomguard for a 10 damage combo. And it's quite versatile in the current meta.

Loatheb: Our last tech card against control match-ups. With board advantage, playing it on turn 5, wins you the game.

Soulwarden: An interesting value card. I found it quite consistent in the deck, because with this you don't have to worry about card advantage anymore. 

Bloodreaver Gul'dan: Our high-end. Don't be afraid to discard it, because you have chance to get it back. We have a lot of demons in the deck, so it always generates value, whenever you play it.


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  • ArcticFox's Avatar
    Zombie 375 118 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I crafted two Soulwarden cards because of this deck. I love your analysis of the card. Indeed, it is interesting. There are cards here which are not very obvious to me such as Faceless Manipulator and Dark Peddler yet you provide solid reasoning. Thank you for posting this deck and guide.

  • Me0203's Avatar
    Design Champion 750 497 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    How do you feel about Clutchmother Zavas or The Soularium, mate?

    • Drezzal's Avatar
      70 2 Posts Joined 07/07/2019
      Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

      Honestly, I don't think Clutchmother Zavas is a good card, even in this deck. Obviously it has synergy with the discard archetype. It's just too slow imo. But if you want to try it out, cut the Dark Peddler.

      About The Soularium: Great synergy, great tool for finding an answer, but I don't think it is essential for the deck. We don't need the draw because of Malchezaar's Imp. Furthermore, the deck's curve is higher than an average aggro build, so it can be a dead card in your hand, but that's just my opinion.


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