77% winrate Paladin to legend without Battlemaster

Last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by
  • Casual


So I took a look at the currently existing version of Secret Paladin and noticed that after nerfs Battleground Battlemaster is pretty much the worst card. Well, yes now she is just too slow, had a Paladin mirror where opponent played her, and she was a turn to late, I had lethal from hand.

What are replacements. Well Murgur Murgurgle and Moonfang are both sometimes ran, so I run both, and 30th spot is taken by Overlord Runthak, because I just needed one more Rush enabler for Varian, King of Stormwind and just having extra Rush and a bit of hand buff never hurts... (My older version ran Highlord Fordragon but that guy is even slower than Battlemaster and I whiffed on Rush way too often)

Mulligan Guide

In general you want to keep 1-2-3

For 1 drop you want to keep any minion, but unless you are against Questline secrets you probably don't want. Against Warlock Mage or Shaman you can consider keeping a secret if they are on coin just to disrupt their first turn.

For 2 drop Murgur Murgurgle or Sword of the Fallen are nice to have. You DO NOT want to keep spells or Encumbered Pack Mule, spells are not impactful in early game and mule you want to double up when you draw them.

For 3 drop you can keep Alliance Bannerman or Goody Two-Shields are always fine to keep, but Northwatch Commander only if you have the Sword of the Fallen already.

You can consider keeping 4 drops too. Cariel Roame can be really nice against warlock to counter some of their minions. Blademaster Samuro is against classes where you expect them to go wide early.

Curving out and playstyle

Just fill out your curve with minions until turn 5, starting from turn 5 consider whether you can buff up for nice SMOrcing... Stickiness is really nice.

Also remember that deck has 4 weapons, so don't save charges too much. trading with face is mostly fine too when you equip Hammer of the Naaru, you want your minions to stick for Conviction (Rank 2). Also if breakpoint is nice whiffing with Sword of the Fallen is fine too.

And then if it goes into late game dropping hard to remove bombs and wide boards is the way to go, in hope it sticks.


Well I did run Meeting Stone instead of conviction, if you are on edge about recrating this epic, it worked ok. I suppose you can also have it instead of any other cheap card you are missing.

I suppose expensive cards can be replaced by Highlord Fordragon. So if you are on a budget, even though I don't really think Battleground Battlemaster makes the cut in top 30 cards, it is a common and is decent in the deck, so you can use it as replacement, but that defeats the purpose.


Demon Hunter

Can be tough. One match up where you can consider keeping Blademaster Samuro



Don't have example with latest build of my deck, but in general if you curve out and contest the deck you should be fine.

Here is example with old deck:



Also don't have example with latest build, but idea stays the same. Just keep pressuring them more than they pressure you.

Here is example with old deck:


Against quest mages just hope they don't get too many freezes, or it can be annoying, but just aggressive go face.


I actually faced this new Grand Finale mage too. it was a bit challenging but landing a good Samuro saved me, so keep that in mind:



Well in mirror because you don't run Battlemaster you can gain more tempo through cards that you can play on curve, so do just that and easy win.


https://hsreplay.net/replay/h68LEbeqExnHS8kfRLwA9C (The example I talked about in overview where Battlemaster was too slow)

https://hsreplay.net/replay/KWU7e9HzVV8ipkwuQRZ875 (mirror and my tech choices were very useful)


Well against shadow priest just try to win on tempo, the usual stuff.



Well same old stuff as other classes with low sample size. Just go tempo. Also didn't play against it with my latest build.

Example with old deck:



Unfortunately you are unfavored. Though Oh My Yogg! can be clutch, but other than that hope they can't remove your stuff. Also remember that Moonfang gives only 1 point of lifesteal when trading, sometimes relevant.



If you hate warlock this deck is for you. I was mostly destroying all the warlocks on ladder. I just apply too much pressure for them. Though be vary against 6 demon warlock, that is the only one I lost too, you sticky board are important against those.

https://hsreplay.net/replay/aCZXD2TeAtxmbEbeuXqc6n (Handlock)

https://hsreplay.net/replay/NXSoj3UmbjSitCWzwDxxHY (Quest zoo)

https://hsreplay.net/replay/2qfSZQ57NGgpKKRjVYNQZ2 (Fatigue version)

https://hsreplay.net/replay/FqfNHViSo6nvfSRFFoazfX (my only loss against warlock, pretty much your stuff getting removed is how you lose)


Again low sample size, so just do the usual tempo stuff

Here is example with old deck:



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