In-Depth Mech Hunter Guide

Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago by
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I hope you all enjoy and I would be more than happy to answer basically any questions you may have, from “What’s your favorite color?” to “What would you take out if I don’t have ___ or ___?”

Guide: This deck revolves around getting a lot of early pressure and getting mechs to build on top of one another to push face with immediate value. However, it also has a couple ways of going wide, has a couple draw and hand refill options, and is a pretty well rounded deck with some decent removal on top of all its aggro. Also, with Galvanizer this deck can be so very fast and lower the cost of up to like 4 cards in your hand which can win games on its own.



Mulligans: Basically you want to keep MecharooGalvanizerUpgradable Framebot, and Ursatron into all matchups and Bomb Toss into matchups with early aggro or Sn1p-Sn4p into matchups that are more control because it gives you extra pressure. The card Cybertech Chip is not a card you should keep but can help a LOT into control because it gives you a ton of extra card advantage that gives you the extra fuel you need to beat or at least stand a chance against midrange or control.


Matchups (Mulligans and Strategies)


Druid: This matchup is going to be the same EVERY time so if you have read my other guides you will hear the same basic thing. CONTROL THE BOARD!!!! If you can control the board and get to the point when you can play Venomizer and Missile Launcher you win the game cause he LITERALLY can’t kill it unless he has double removal (and that’s assuming you don’t buff it further). Basically you can control the board and continually get value out of mechs to make value trades or go wide with your large number of small minions. Extra keeps into this matchup are Unleash the Hounds for board clear and Fireworks Tech if you also have Mecharoo because the extra token you get early in the game and the slightly buffed minion actually make a big difference in maintaining early control and not letting the opponent snowball.

Hunter: Ok, so this matchup has 3 different possible decks that could give you trouble. The ones that AREN’T mech (Secret Hunter and Beast Hunter) need to be rushed down quickly because if he plays Zul’Jin you lose, its that simple because that power play is INSANE. Try to ignore minions and not go too wide because of Unleash the Hounds but also keep your board with a few minions so a Deadly shot has a chance of missing. For Mech hunter, the goal is to control the board and try to get your mechs to snowball the mechs better than the other player AND you want to play your Venomizer and Missile Launcher combo last so you kill his and you are left with a minion on board.


Mage: This matchup is SO GOOD FOR YOU!!! Basically, you have a few courses of action. You have a lot of early pressure which means if the mage doesn’t get a Mountain Giant on the board and get it to stick THEN use Conjurer’s Calling to make a wide board it loses. BUT, you have Spider BombVenomizerr, and the Missile Launcher combo to deal with an early giant so they never get a good board. They then need to freeze you but that usually only delays the inevitable.


Paladin: This matchup is in my opinion quite bad. You need to keep mechs from sticking on the board so they don’t get Magnetized AND it makes it so that a Kangor’s Endless Army gould low roll. That being said, if you don’t ALSO rush them down before they draw a ton of cards and buff their hand, you lose because they then take over the board out of the blue in like 1 turn and can heal a ton. The swing of tempo is crazy so just keep his mechs down and then go face as hard as you can after that and hope he doesn’t have lifesteal.


Priest: This class is still around? XD


Rogue: Pretty good matchup. Instead of buffing minions and making them Magnetic, just go wide for the most part to play around Sap and the fact Rogue has NO BOARD CLEAR!!! (The exception to this rule is Replicating Menace because of its super low Health and the fact it can get pinged off of hit with the dagger. For the most part again you want to control the board, but only with like 1 or 2 attack minions, all the bigger ones you want to go face (Unless he has a JUICED UP  Edwin VanCleef then you may need to give something poisonous and trade in before he kills you…). Don’t get discouraged if Rogue uses all its cheap and efficient removal and Lackeys to control your board because they are small and cheap spells and minions that actually won’t blow you out so you don’t need to stress if things get out of hand early on, you will get a mech to stick eventually and get some extra value out of it with magnetic and things could still be fine even if you lose early control.


Shaman: This matchup you want to control the board to keep the opponent from snowballing with murlocs, but you do not want to ever really go to vertical (or buff a single minion a lot) because that leaves you vulnerable to a really easy Earth Shock which can DEVASTATE your board state. The best thing to do with this is go wide and trade into his murlocs and once you gain control the board go face because they will probably run out of options before you will because they have less draw and slightly cheaper minions. Extra keeps for this matchup are a Bomb Toss for the low health murlocs and maybe Unleash the Hounds as well but not nearly as much of a priority.


Warlock: This matchup is going to be the same EVERY time so if you have read my other guides you will hear the same basic thing. CONTROL THE BOARD!!!! If you can control the board and get to the point when you can play Venomizer and Missile Launcher you win the game cause he LITERALLY can’t kill it unless he has double removal (and that’s assuming you don’t buff it further). Basically, you can control the board and continually get value out of mechs to make value trades or go wide with your large number of small minions. Extra keeps into this matchup are Unleash the Hounds for board clear and Fireworks Tech if you also have Mecharoo because the extra token you get early in the game and the slightly buffed minion actually make a big difference in maintaining early control and not letting the opponent snowball.

Warrior: Try to rush this guy down. It is better to go vertical with this matchup to play around brawl and warpath in my opinion ESPECIALLY if you keep his armor low so Shield Slam has limited power, that being said he could still have silence which a lot of people are teching in now due to all the mechs but I think there are more options for wider boards than vertical.

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