Liadrin Lights the Way with Elementals!
- Unknown Paladin
- Wild
- Fun
You love playing Paladin decks and you are tired of playing with/against Odd Paladin? Well, let Lady Liadrin light the way for you with shiny Elementals...
This deck is Elemental Paladin but it's also Healadin thanks to class Elementals that heal you up. So...
Improve these cards with them...
Or, even better, use them to double your Health with High Priest Thekal. Come to think of it...
This combo on turn 4 can be sick. If followed with...
To find another Molten Giant, you will gain an upper advantage for good. You can also find class Elementals (Benevolent Djinn/Ragnaros, Lightlord) if needed.
That's all for me. If you have any questions, ask me anytime. Have fun in Wild format!
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4- 00
- 21
- 42
- 53
- 44
- 85
- 26
- 57+
- 2 Flash of Light x 2
- 2 Lesser Pearl Spellstone x 2
- 3 Benevolent Djinn x 2
- 3 Enter the Coliseum x 2
- 3 High Priest Thekal x 1
- 4 Zandalari Templar x 2
- 5 Shrink Ray x 2
- 5 Solemn Vigil x 2
- 7 Eadric the Pure x 1
- 8 Ragnaros, Lightlord x 1
- 1 Fire Fly x 2
- 4 Sandbinder x 2
- 5 Servant of Kalimos x 2
- 5 Sunreaver Warmage x 2
- 6 Blazecaller x 2
- 8 Ragnaros the Firelord x 1
- 22 Molten Giant x 2
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Like the idea of that. Would cost me about 5k dust to craft, but I am considering giving it a try...
Thanks for kind words but if you are low on dust, you should skip this deck. I mean, if you really love Elementals, Priest/Mage/Shaman classes are always better candidates because of unique class Elementals they have.
Well, i have about 10k dust, but I am not sure whether it will be worth it. Lots of class and situational cards to craft. I don't care about grinding too much, so I don't need Tier 1 decks. Just want to have a good time while climbing.
I believe the class and situational cards you mentioned must be Epic and Legendary cards. If that's the case, Enter the Coliseum and Eadric the Pure are safe cards to craft, only if you are willing to focus on any Control Paladin you want to tinker in the future. As for this deck itself, I get what you mean: You want a fun deck that's worth or safe to craft. If that's the case, skip this deck and have a look at Reno Paladin I made. It's far more better than Elemental Paladin...