Quest: Corrupt all Decks! (Reno-Anti-Wock)
- Shudderwock Shaman
- Wild
- Theorycraft
I have a Quest for you: Corrupt your opponent's deck. If you played Renolock beforehand, you know that Renolock is created under the basis of tech-cards: Dirty Rat and Gnomeferatu for combo-disruption, Despicable Dreadlord for Odd Paladins etc. So, this deck is created exactly under the same basis as Renolock but this time, you play as Shaman. With the power of Reno Jackson and Shudderwock, you will realize that Reno-Wock Shaman is far better and consistent than Renolock. Also, I bet this deck has the potential of low-Tier I or top-Tier II.
With the announcement of new Quest, Corrupt the Waters, Shudderwock decks will be easy to execute in Wild format. Whether it's non-Renowock or Renowock, you need to play these cards for infinite Shudderwocks...
After you completed the Quest and new Hero Power is granted to you, play Doppelgangster and Grumble for infinite Shudderwocks. Then, play Fencing Coach but don't use new Hero Power immediately. Wait for the next turn to use it. Then, use 0-Mana Heart of Vir'naal and play Shudderwock. Since all Battlecries will trigger twice this turn, if you miss the first wave of Grumble and Gangsters for infinite Shudderwocks, you will get them from the second wave of Battlecries for sure. With the aid of Emperor Thaurissan, you can carry out your plan as early as possible.
Now you see how to perform your game-plan. In the beginning, I said this deck is like Renolock which focuses on utilizing tech-cards for good. Well, you will see how...
- Gravelsnout Knight: Anti-Big Priest card. With Shudderwock, you will summon lots of 1-Mana minions to pollute the resurrection pool. If you played Sandstorm Elemental beforehand, you will kill these trash minions to ensure the pollution of resurrections.
- Hungry Crab: Counter to well-known deck, Murloc Shaman. Better eat these pesky Murlocs.
- Dirty Rat: Combo-Breaker.
- Golakka Crawler: With the revival of Odd Rogue, this card must be used to eat pesky Pirates.
- Gluttonous Ooze: Weapon destroyer and Armor generator. Two-in-one!
- Lifedrinker: By the power of Heart of Vir'naal and infinite Shudderwocks, I grant you the power of OTK.
- Loatheb: Don't let your opponent cast a spell. Hard-counter of Big Priest, Mecha'thun Warlock, Jade Druid and Quest Miracle Mage decks when played at the right time. If you are low on budget, I suggest you to swap with Unseen Saboteur but don't think the deck will be the same as before. Your power will be weakened for sure.
- Elise the Trailblazer: Anti-Fatigue card that gladly shows the middle finger to Mill Rogues for good.
- Skulking Geist: Eat Jade Druid and Quest Miracle Mage decks at breakfast.
- Sandbinder: You can fetch four Elementals, all of which have a purpose.
- Glacial Shard: Freeze your enemies. Imagine you played 10 Shudderwocks with the power of Heart of Vir'naal, which means that you will freeze your enemies 20 times. That's incredible.
- Sandstorm Elemental: Anti-Odd Paladin card. With the power of Heart of Vir'naal and infinite Shudderwocks, this little fella will crush the dreams of Control players for sure.
- Storm Chaser: Draws your AOE cards.
- Grumble: Puzzle piece of infinite Shudderwocks.
- Gangsters: Puzzle piece of infinite Shudderwocks.
- Fencing Coach: Puzzle piece of infinite Shudderwocks.
- Witchwood Piper: Helps you fetch Hungry Crab or Gravelsnout Knight to counter aforementioned decks as early as possible.
- Jepetto Joybuzz: Find combo pieces quickly with him.
This deck is about countering known meta-decks but sometimes, you may not see decks such as Mill Rogue every now and then. If that's the case, have a look at alternative tech cards. Maybe they will be of good use...
- Eater of Secrets: New cards for Mage from new expansion indicate that Secret Mage might rise again in Wild format. In this case, this card will help you.
- Seaforium Bomber: Alternative way to OTK your opponent if you don't see any Mill Rogues. So, swap with Elise the Trailblazer if needed.
Well, I guess I explained all points here. If you have any questions, ask me anytime. Have fun in Wild format!
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11- 00
- 41
- 62
- 53
- 44
- 65
- 36
- 27+
- 1 Corrupt the Waters x 1
- 2 Crackle x 1
- 2 Devolve x 1
- 2 Maelstrom Portal x 1
- 2 Sandstorm Elemental x 1
- 3 Far Sight x 1
- 3 Hex x 1
- 3 Tidal Surge x 1
- 4 Storm Chaser x 1
- 5 Hagatha's Scheme x 1
- 5 Volcano x 1
- 6 Grumble, Worldshaker x 1
- 9 Shudderwock x 1
- 1 Glacial Shard x 1
- 1 Gravelsnout Knight x 1
- 1 Hungry Crab x 1
- 2 Dirty Rat x 1
- 2 Golakka Crawler x 1
- 3 Fencing Coach x 1
- 3 Gluttonous Ooze x 1
- 4 Lifedrinker x 1
- 4 Sandbinder x 1
- 4 Witchwood Piper x 1
- 5 Doppelgangster x 1
- 5 Elise the Trailblazer x 1
- 5 Emperor Thaurissan x 1
- 5 Loatheb x 1
- 6 Reno Jackson x 1
- 6 Skulking Geist x 1
- 8 Jepetto Joybuzz x 1
More Shudderwock Shaman Decks
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It is time to add the new Highlander 2 Mana minion. That would be great, unless it fills the hand too much with shudder
That would be the reason as to why I won't add him. Your aim with this deck is to counter all meta-decks that will rise and shine.
Hi! If Elise the Trailblazer is here just for countering fatigue, would not be better to fit Baleful Banker instead?
Hey, good question. Sorry for the late response, Valerin, as I was on holiday for 2 weeks and now I'm back, feeling fresh. Anyways, here is my answer...
While Baleful Banker sounds nice and the cheapest option to counter Fatigue, Jepetto Joybuzz and Witchwood Piper makes it irrelevant because you will draw three minions in total, yet you shuffle one. Since Jepetto and Piper will draw minions, you need to shuffle spells. Thus, Elise the Trailblazer really fits in this deck.
Again, I'm very sorry for late response and I hope you will test my deck and have fun corrupting all decks ๐
I would like to say thank you, Esparanta, for your creative deck ideas and in-depth explanations of the significance of certain cards and their possible replacements if necessary. This deck looks like so much fun and I hope that this deck becomes somewhat viable.
Wow, thanks for all kind words. It means a lot to me. I'm very sorry for late response, as I was on holiday for 2 weeks but I believe corrupting all decks will make up for it :D
You know, Esparanta, I really like the way you format your decks. The coloring makes it much better at drawing the attention of readers.
As for the deck itself, it looks very fun. I might try to sneak in a Hecklebot to annoy my enemies even further, especially Pogo Rogues.
Thank you, Morkimus. I like to show colorful side of Wild, really ๐