Aggro Hunter - Last days of the Raven!

Last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
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Against aggro, you need the board. Dire Mole, Crackling Razormaw, Headhunter's Hatchet - anything to take the board.

Against control, you're looking for Deathstalker Rexxar, also looking to set up an enormous Scavenging Hyena for a burst of damage. Never play on two, always combo with Tundra Rhino and Springpaw orUnleash the Hounds.

Against combo, you need to kill them fast. Springpaw with Hyena is always a confirmed blast of damage. Try not to float mana, if you have 3 mana left over with a beast on board, just send the Kill Command into their face. It can quite often lead to them trying to take back the board and sacrificing their combo. You will go the distance in this case.

You ideally want to use Timber Wolf after drawing three with Master's Call, as you can slap 2 of them down to massively boost damage output.

Very cheap for most Hunter players, Leeroy Jenkins is a luxury that could slot in somewhere, however it breaks your Master's Call guarantee.

Save Dire Frenzy for DK, you want to aim for life-steal and rush against control. Against aggro or combo, it is often good to use on Huffer, as it will ensure massive damage for only three mana, especially when you can draw 3 after Master's Call.


Fun deck, coasted from 20 to 15 the other day in under 10 games (Think I was 10-2!)

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