Blood and Thunder

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
  • Fun

Blood and Thunder

The Ancient One Card Image Thaddius Card Image

The Blood


With the new card Bloodsworn Mercenary, Warrior has access to a reliable, 3 card combo to summon The Ancient One with a reduction from Emperor Thaurissan

Blood of The Ancient One + Blood To Ichor / Blood Razor Deathrattle + Bloodsworn Mercenary = The Ancient One!

The Thunder


Good old Stalagg and Feugen make a return and summon Thaddius to make up the thunder half of the deck!  You may be asking "how is Thaddius related to thunder?"  Well, when you summon Thaddius, he enters the battlefield with a huge bolt of lightning!  If lightning = thunder is good enough for Thor, its good enough for me! (Plus there's a thunderstorm going on in the background of N'Zoth, the Corruptor's art.)

To get more Thaddiuses (Thaddii?) you can use Bloodsworn Mercenary on Stalagg or Feugen and the deck also has N'Zoth, the Corruptor to get even more!

For more N'Zoth support, the deck includes Mountainfire Armor, Piloted Shredder, and Sylvanas Windrunner, all of which are also great targets for Bloodsworn Mercenary.


At first when I saw Bloodsworn Mercenary, I just kinda shrugged it off as just a Sudden Genesis on a stick, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much insane tempo it can provide.  Even just using it on a 2 drop like Redband Wasp after it traded a 1/1, makes Bloodsworn Mercenary a 3 mana 7/5 on curve 4/2 of which has Rush!  In the late game, it gets even better allowing you to get super cheap, fully statted copies like in the combos mentioned above!

Honestly Bloodsworn Mercenary has become one of my most hyped cards of Saviors of Uldum so far and I am definitely planning on making it a day 1 craft!

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