Questline Kazakusan Paladin

Last updated 2 years, 10 months ago by
  • Casual

Paladin wasn't the class you had on your mind when thinking of Kazakusan, was it? With the new card, you can now make their Questline have even better late-game value! The problem with that Quest was that their end-game was rather lackluster despite the threat of two 3/3 units each turn, and if we know anything about Lord Jaraxxus, that is not spectacular in modern HS, even if you can get that effect earlier than Jaraxxus.

So how exactly does Kazakusan make us have stronger end-game value? He gives us Duels treasures, which are themselves of insane power. And you get TEN of them, which gives us a lot of time to push for the end game alongside our 3/3 dude spam. His restriction is daunting, severely limiting the amount of eligible cards we can use, but the restrictions may be worth it.

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