Taunt Warrior Midrage

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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EDIT:Tomb Warden is insane good, speacilly buff!!!!!

I been playing a lot of Warrior lately. Bomb Warrior, Big Warrior, Control Warrior, even the bad ones like Rush Warrior. They are all unique in their own way and I want to give it a try to the New Taunt Warrior. The old Taunt Warrior show some play back in the day of Fire Plume's Heart

The original idea was to make a sort of Control Warrior with some Mech package at the end It turn out to be a little more Midrage Warrior that later evolved into a More of a Big Taunt Warrior.

In this Guide I will laydown the ideas behind it and how I think it could work. 

Mulligan Guide

Start as any other warriror. Mulligan heavily for Eternium Rover, Into the Frayand Frightened Flunky. Shield Block and Shield Slam could help you out to stay alive with a healthy amount of hit points and AC. EDIT: Always Keep [Hearthstone Card (omb Warden) Not Found]

Over all Strategy

The main goal is to stay survive the early game to start playing your buff cards early to mid game. Then on the late game start playing big taunt after big taunt to build up pressure on the board. 

Play your buff when you have at least 3 taunt in your hand. Use your Amani War Bear and Zilliax are your best burst damage removal. Control the board with smart trades and use your [Hearthstone Card (Ironbeak) Not Found] to push big damage through a heavy taunt minion or against power effects.

You have some late game in the for of Dr. Boom, Mad Genius to generated more value and try to close the game at a middle and late stage.

Try to bait your opponent into  playing all their removal and important cards. Like in every Hearthstone game, it is important to identify your opponents deck and strategy. For the most part you'll be playing this deck as a control Deck, but don't be afraid to make aggressive moves to push damage to the face. 


If you can try to put Armagedillo when your hand is full of taunt minions. Combo with Oondasta to pull Armagedillo for free on the late game. 

Best case scenario; save the [Hearthstone Card (Bloodsworm mercenary) Not Found] for when you have a damage taunt minion specially if it has reborn or rush specially if you have a damage Armagedillo and some taunt minions in your hand. Worse case, combo [Hearthstone Card (Bloodsworm mercenary) Not Found] with a Witchwood Grizzly the you play it.

Tomb Warden is a great tool specially if you buff it. And also a great minion to use with the [Hearthstone Card (Bloodsworm mercenary) Not Found] 

Omega Assembly can help you out to pull more taunts (not a lot of good options, but you might get lucky with a [Hearthstone Card (Zylliax) Not Found]) or [Hearthstone Card (Omega Desvastator) Not Found] and [Hearthstone Card (Dynomatic) Not Found]to clear any annoying minion.

Bone Wraith is a good early game card to stay alive and defend yourself, plus the reborn ability makes it a little harder to remove. If this card is buff, this could make your opponent spend extra resources to remove it. 


I see this deck struggleling to remove Mountain Giantof a [Hearthstone Card (Conjures Coalling) Not Found]Deck, the only effective tools to do so are Brawland Shield Slam You could add a [Hearthstone Card (Super Collaider) Not Found]  to help out in this situation. But at the moment I don't see how.

Drawing could be an issue. You need to get Buffing tools consistently to make our taunt a treat. 


Try to bait your opponent into  playing all their removal and important cards. Like in every Hearthstone game, it is important to identify your opponents deck and strategy. For the most part you'll be playing this deck as a control Deck, but don't be afraid to make aggressive moves to push damage to the face. 

If you see any possible changes that would make this deck better, write it down on the comments and I will try to keep this Guide updated even through out the release of the expansion. This could be a good Day one Deck and that's it, or could evolve into a real deck archetype, who knows. 



I am 3-0 with this deck. against rouge and druid

I took out the Oondasta to put a Siamat , that card is to good. Possible additions a second [Hearthstone Card (Bloodsworm mercenary) Not Found] 


I am 5-1 with the deck, I lost against Quest Shaman

Added 1 [Hearthstone Card (Rown Crier) Not Found] and 2 Restless Mummy

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  • Lachlion's Avatar
    210 59 Posts Joined 07/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    FYI Armagedillo is a taunt so you cant hide it behind another taunt - he is a beast however. Possible to add Oondasta to pull big tempo late game with Amarni War Bear and Armagedillo - could also consider adding Witchwood Grizzley for further synergy

    • Celurian's Avatar
      145 10 Posts Joined 06/19/2019
      Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

      Yeah you are right. With the full set available I made some other changes. My idea is to build a good day one deck


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