SoU Wild Heal Zoolo- er, Priest

Last updated 5 years, 7 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

(Deck Date: 7/31/19)

Remember Heal Zoolock? Well, what if we did that with Priest, since Activate the Obelisk rewards Priest for actually building around their class identity with Obelisk's Eye. While I don't know how well the deck will work, I think it's a fun idea.

I'm still theory-crafting, so I might be updating the deck/guide from time to time. This deck might need more heals, or more reborn minions, or more card draw, or something completely different, idk. Any suggestions to make this theorycraft better is welcome! :)



Play your Healing Activators, and use your Healing Cards to create a wide, sticky board while also working towards completing Activate the Obelisk. Then, use Obelisk's Eye to create a bigger, stickier board.

Your mulligan would probably be: Activate the Obelisk, Northshire Cleric, Potion Vendor, and any other Healing Activators (but most especially Crystallizer).


And now for card choices... (other considerations at the bottom)


Healing Activators: These minions deal/take damage to allow us to use our heals

Crystallizer Card Image Injured Kvaldir Card Image Injured Tol'vir Card Image Injured Blademaster Card Image Grandmummy Card Image


Healing Cards: These cards heal our board and grant progress towards Activate the Obelisk

Lesser Heal Card Image Circle of Healing Card Image Potion Vendor Card Image Neferset Ritualist Card Image Fungal Enchanter Card Image


Healing Beneficiaries: These cards benefit from all the healing you'll be doing.

Activate the Obelisk Card Image Northshire Cleric Card Image Lightwarden Card Image Happy Ghoul Card Image Nightscale Matriarch Card Image


Other Card Choices:

-High Priest Amet: Gives our minions ridiculous amounts of health, allowing for increased healing and safer trading (but who wants to trade?)

-Confessor Paletress: Late game option, synergizes with Lesser Heal and Obelisk's Eye

-Nightscale Matriarch: Same reason as Confessor Paletress

-Loatheb: Protects our board from AoE's


Other Considerations:

Note: Nightscale Matriarch, Loatheb, and (maybe) Confessor Paletress are the best candidates for flex spots, so remove them first if making any changes. The cards I least recommend taking out are the Healing Activators, as they allow the healing synergies will also providing board presence.

-Wild Pyromancer: Allows for heal setups, clears opponents board, seems pretty good. The only thing is we would have to switch a few more minions for more spells.

-Bwonsamdi, the Dead: One of my favorite meme cards, can provide insane card draw considering there are 10 1-cost minions in your deck.

-Binding Heal: Potentially 10 health worth of heals for 1 mana. Most the time it will probably be 5-7 health, but that's still good for 1 mana.

-Silence: Deletes Taunts, allowing us to go face. For this same reason, Mass Dispel and Spellbreaker are also considerations

-Vivid Nightmare: Gives us a minion to heal, and helps us go wide

-Faceless Rager: A lot of our minions have or can have a lot of health, a 5/7 body is usually pretty good for the mana

-Mana Geode: This is the card I'd most likely add in, helps us go wide.

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