Legend Even Shaman (Castle N)

Last updated 2 years, 3 months ago by
  • Ranked

This is my Even Shaman deck that made it to legend. It has a few unconventional tech cards that I will explain, as well as the best cards to keep.

Best opening Hands

Carving Chisel is the best card to play on turn 2. You reduce the cost of your big cards by 3 with this very early.

Anchored Totem is how you win early. Even Shamans game plan is to snowball early. The ability to snowball early by boosting every 1 mana totem you summon is what makes this beck able to be played at a high level in wild

The Stonewright is a card you want to play as early as possible. This card buffs you totems on the field as well as your hand.

Totemic Might. You cant get an early lead if your 2 health totems die off. So play this to keep that from happening.

Only keep The Thing from Below if you also have Carving Chisel.

Only keep Splitting Axe if you have a 2 mana totem 


My Tech Choices

Bru'kan of the Elements is a great late game card. I find myself holding out against Pirate Rogue and other aggro decks to play this card to win me the game. Admittedly this card has negative synergy with The Stonewright. But on turn 8 you would rather have the Brukan hero power over the 1 mana get a 2/2 totem. It should be noted that the 1 mana hero power matters less against a deck that has board control and a 0/2 or 2/2 isn't a threat to them. However Bru'kan dealing 6 damage to face is something they don't appreciate

The Lurker Below is a great catch up card against decks that have won the mid game battle. You use Lurker Below and clear their board while developing a threat. Pirate Rogue has many minions with 3 health. This is also the best way to beat a poisonous Firemancer Flurgl

Devolve is just a generally good card against every deck running tribal minions that synergize. This card is also good for clearing taunts to get the finishing kill.

Dirty Rat good for destroying  combo, or ruin a battlecry. DO NOT USE AGAINST BIG PRIEST

Acidic Swamp Ooze destroys Swordfish. For Pirate Rogues this card is responsible for their card draw and ability to cheat out minions. It should also be noted that in every other class except mage, all classes have a deck which runs a weapon, so the ooze is not dead out side of rogues.

Cornelius Roame is big card draw in a deck that runs out of steam quickly. However this is the worst card in the deck feel free to cut it for a second copy of Totem Golem


Class Mulligan


Devolve,Dirty Rat

Druid is the combo class so dirty rat is useful, Devolve for Spreading Plague



Dirty Rat The Lurker Below

Dirty Rate to beat Quest Hunter. Lurker to fight face hunter and beast hunter



Dirty Rat Devolve

Dirty Rate for Quest mage since they run alot of good battlecrys on top of Grey Sage Parrot, like Multicaster for example.

Devolve for Mech mage, but this deck will lose to mech mage anyways.



Devolve Totemic Surge The Lurker Below

The Lurker below and Devolve fight odd pally for the board. Totemic surge gives your totems the ability to kill the Odd Palidans 1/1s before they become 3/3s



Murkspark Eel Acidic Swamp Ooze Bru'kan of the Elements The Lurker Below 

Acidic Swamp Ooze is the single best card to disrupt pirate rogue. Their Swordfish is the card that wins them the game by helping them draw cards with Cutting Class and Summon minions like Dread Corsair.

Against the Pirate Rogue you want to hold on to Bru'kan of the Elements  because Rogues will just burn you to death without some sort of way to......not die.

The Lurker Below stops the cannons and the Southsea Captain for beathing you down.
Murkspark Eel is just good at fighting minions

The Lurker Below Devolve Dirty Rat
Lurker bellow and Devolve beats the Toxfin and Firemancer Flurgl. Also these cards help in the mirror matchup.
And Dirty Rat gives you hope against Shudderwock decks.

Bru'kan of the Elements Devolve
If there is one thing Warloc is good at its controlling the board. Switch to Brukan ASP so you can deal 6 damage.
Wow thats a nice bloodreaver gul'dan you just played, it would be a shame if someone used Devolve


Acidic Swamp Ooze The Lurker Below Devolve Murkspark Eel
Warriors are nd Aggressive class now so run these anti aggro tools.
Devolve removes the buffs off of Enrage Warrior.
[Hearthstone Card (murkspark) Not Found] eel is just good at fighting minions

Demon Hunter
Acidic Swamp Ooze
Do people still play this class? I guess keep ooze for weapon tech.

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