Climb Legend After Nerfs With The Strongest Priest Deck In Standard! Castle Nathria | Hearthstone
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Good luck, my friends!
My opponents: 00:00 Imp Warlock
06:51 Thief Rogue
12:20 Blizzard Thinks This Is Okay...
Deck code:
### Quest Priest
# Class: Priest
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Hydra
# 1x (0) Desperate Prayer
# 1x (0) Illuminate
# 1x (1) Gift of the Naaru
# 1x (1) Seek Guidance
# 1x (1) Shard of the Naaru
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 1x (2) Condemn (Rank 1)
# 1x (2) Serena Bloodfeather
# 1x (2) Sketchy Stranger
# 1x (2) Thrive in the Shadows
# 1x (3) Amulet of Undying
# 1x (3) Cathedral of Atonement
# 1x (3) Devout Dungeoneer
# 1x (3) Flightmaster Dungar
# 1x (3) Identity Theft
# 1x (3) Mankrik
# 1x (3) Prince Renathal
# 1x (3) Venomous Scorpid
# 1x (4) Blademaster Okani
# 1x (4) Lightmaw Netherdrake
# 1x (4) Najak Hexxen
# 1x (4) Shadow Word: Ruin
# 1x (4) Theotar, the Mad Duke
# 1x (4) Xyrella
# 1x (5) Against All Odds
# 1x (5) Clean the Scene
# 1x (5) Spammy Arcanist
# 1x (5) Spirit Guide
# 1x (5) Taelan Fordring
# 1x (6) Lightbomb
# 1x (6) Lightshower Elemental
# 1x (6) Mi'da, Pure Light
# 1x (6) Reno Jackson
# 1x (7) Baron Geddon
# 1x (7) Blackwater Behemoth
# 1x (7) Mutanus the Devourer
# 1x (8) Murozond the Infinite
# 1x (8) Whirlpool
# 1x (8) Xyrella, the Devout
# 1x (10) Sire Denathrius
# AAECAdCLBSiW6AOZ6wOa6wOe6wOf6wPU7QPy7gPz7gOm7wPn8APd9gOH9wPX+QOMgQSoigStigToiwSljQTwnwSXoASqoASIowSKowSLowTUrATWrATHsgShtgSitgSotgTp0ASa1AS42QS43AS63ASS3wSX7wSGgwWGpAWIpAUAAA==
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone #ChristianHearthstone #CastleNathria #Hearthstone

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