Control Rogue? Galakrond N'Zoth Sire Denathrius Rogue! Castle Nathria Mini-Set | Hearthstone
- Deathrattle Rogue
- Wild
- Ranked
- Fun
Control Rogue? Galakrond N'Zoth Sire Denathrius Rogue! Castle Nathria Mini-Set | Hearthstone
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Good luck, my friends!
My opponents:
00:00 Uldum Quest Resurrect Priest
12:53 Theotar Is Fun & Interactive
Deck code:
### Galakrond + Daddy + N'Zo
# Class: Rogue
# Format: Wild
# 2x (0) Shadowstep
# 2x (1) Armor Vendor
# 2x (1) Praise Galakrond!
# 2x (1) Togwaggle's Scheme
# 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard
# 2x (3) Coldlight Oracle
# 1x (3) EVIL Miscreant
# 2x (3) Seal Fate
# 2x (4) Devoted Maniac
# 2x (5) Shield of Galakrond
# 1x (6) Flik Skyshiv
# 1x (6) Heistbaron Togwaggle
# 2x (6) Khartut Defender
# 1x (6) Kronx Dragonhoof
# 1x (6) Sylvanas, the Accused
# 1x (7) Galakrond, the Nightmare
# 1x (8) Mo'arg Forgefiend
# 1x (8) Shadowcrafter Scabbs
# 1x (9) Valeera the Hollow
# 1x (10) N'Zoth, the Corruptor
# 1x (10) Sire Denathrius
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone #ChristianHearthstone #CastleNathria #Hearthstone Castle Nathria Mini-Set
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1- 20
- 61
- 02
- 63
- 24
- 25
- 66
- 67+
- 0 Shadowstep x 2
- 1 Praise Galakrond! x 2
- 1 Togwaggle's Scheme x 2
- 3 EVIL Miscreant x 1
- 3 Seal Fate x 2
- 6 Flik Skyshiv x 1
- 6 Heistbaron Togwaggle x 1
- 7 Galakrond, the Nightmare x 1
- 8 Shadowcrafter Scabbs x 1
- 9 Valeera the Hollow x 1
- 1 Armor Vendor x 2
- 3 Brann Bronzebeard x 1
- 3 Coldlight Oracle x 2
- 4 Devoted Maniac x 2
- 5 Shield of Galakrond x 2
- 6 Khartut Defender x 2
- 6 Kronx Dragonhoof x 1
- 6 Sylvanas, the Accused x 1
- 8 Mo'arg Forgefiend x 1
- 10 N'Zoth, the Corruptor x 1
- 10 Sire Denathrius x 1
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