
Last updated 5 years, 7 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

(Dated: 8/2/19)

I Greet you, Welcome to Midrange-Bloodlock!

This deck is a self damaging warlock that's  goal is to establish board control and be able to overwhelm your opponent, This is one of the first decks I am going to try on the release of Saviors of Uldum. I've seen similar decks use this same self damaging archetype but I believe some of the key choices in cards that will help utilize the deck properly

In Bloodlock you are naturally going to be taking a lot of damage but you are going to use that self infliction as a positive. When dealing damage to yourself, you are going to activate the abilities of Duskbat, Nethersoul Buster, Deathweb Spider, and even the new card Diseased Vulture. as crazy as these self Damaging synergies are you must be careful not to exploit it too much...

I said before that I've seen other decks utilize this same self damaging mechanic but they always seem to forget about one small but important detail, HEALING! In the past I've used utilized cards like Kobold Librarian and Vulgar Homunculus as well Flame Imp in zoo decks before and I too have made the mistake of making my life total too low for your opponent to just finish you off (against those pesky Hunter decks, CURSES) but I've learned from my mistakes and have added a few Stabilizers like Deathweb Spider, Zilliax and even Miss Potion Vendor

you might ask "why cards like Neferset Ritualist and Injured Tol'vir?" A lot of minions in the deck have health totals. My theory about the deck is against many decks (especially aggro) you are going to want to value trade. Potion Vendor and Neferset Ritualist will help you heal your minions to help you stay in control of the board.

So one of the question I'm sure I will be asked is "Why no Lackeys?" I thought about the possibility about adding lackey generators like Sinister Deal and EVIL Cable Rat but definitely NOT EVIL Genius and if I can't run him I didn't think I would want to run the others. There is no question that EVIL Genius and the Lackeys are a strong package but destroying a friendly minion is a bit costly due to a lot of my minions have a good amount of stats to just sacrifice. I think running the Lackey package for warlock is more suited to a more swarmy and sticky type of deck for minions that have Deathrattle or Reborn effects (also I have made those decks if you want to go check them out!) but for this deck I'm making the decision not to include them. (however when the expansion release and I get a feel about how the Meta shapes I am always Open to change)

Lastly I want to talk about [Hearthstone Card (Arch-Villian Rafaam) Not Found] I'll be honest I added him in as more of a Panic button, him having Taunt is a big deal. So if you have a Suggestion on which other card/cards I could use I'm all ears. this is more so just my theory of the deck and I am open to comments and criticisms about the deck. I will make an edit list if I decide to change anything and if you want to ask about replacements for cards for Eco friendly deck (less dust) I could give you suggestions

Thank you


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