Big MONKE Deck

Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago by
  • Ranked
  • Casual
  • Achievement
  • Fun

This deck is a fun deck, not necessarily a good deck.  Just a warning!  However, I have had a lot of success against a sudden wave of Big Priest opponents today.  So take that as you will.


This deck is similar to past Knuckles decks run by streamers such as Roffle, but now we can use Always a Bigger Jormungar to make use of Mister Mukla for big damage as well.

[Hearthstone Card (Scarlett Webweaver) Not Found] will reduce the cost of one other beast so you can play it, buff it, and then attack stuff all in one turn for big burst!  The Beast Within will help with getting extra attacks, so can Trueaim CrescentDoggie Biscuit is versatile in that it can either be used as a buff or traded to give Knuckles rush for an extra attack in your turn.


The Dun Baldar Bunker and secrets just help cycle through the deck, and might also help you survive a while longer.  There's only five secrets in my list here, so It could maybe use more secrets to make better use of the Bunkers.  But I honestly wasn't sure what to swap out. The other things in the deck either draw beasts like Scavenger's Ingenuity and Selective BreederTrinket Tracker also helps draw out the much needed 1 cost cards like Beast Within and Jormungar.


Again, this is not exactly an optimal climbing deck.  But if you want to just mess around and have a little fun, this could be for you!  And if you're interested in achievement hunting, I finished the ALWAYS! achievement very very fast with this deck.

If you try it out, have fun and good luck!


~ Thonson

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