Fun Not Meta DH

Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago by
  • Ranked
  • Casual
  • Fun

After the recent nerf to Umpire's Grasp I just kept playing the same list.  It was honestly still good, but apparently because enough people decided to DE their Grasps, enough people finally started making other decks.  Surprisingly, decks that could have existed without the nerf rose up!

With that, the deck started to struggle some.  Mostly against Death Knight, but it had that problem before anyway.  The deck now just lost if you couldn't win by turn 6 because of other things that became more popular.  But I really wanted to keep working towards my Demonic Illidan portrait, so I made this list!  I'm not sure if it should be classified as a Midrange DH but that's what I would call it.

Some of the shell is still there from the previous Aggro list everyone was playing.  Things like Instrument Tech, Grasp, and Window Shopper.  But I also decided to hard run Magtheridon, Unreleased because, let's face it, playing him was the best part of the old Aggro list anyway!  With that in mind, I also have 2x Cover Artist!  When Mag awakens you can copy him with Cover Artist, they will go dormant immediately, and you can potentially Red Card the original Mag too.

Because the list has some big boys in it, I included the classic Raging Felscreamer to reduce the big demons some.  Fun Fact: If draw Shopper from Grasp to make it cost 3, but have also played Felscreamer, you play the 6/5 Shopper for 1 mana, and the discovered demon will also be a (1) 6/5!  Neat, isn't it?!

A few choices are in there mostly for fun!  Specifically Snake Eyes and Ci'Cigi.  I wish I could say Ci'Cigi has been helpful, especially since I got her in gold. But honestly, because you can't controll what she gives you and in what order they appear in your hand, it's really hard to justify her in the deck right now other than I want to complete the achievement.


As far as what to do, should be easy.  Mulligan for early plays, establish a board control early, then chip away while maintaining control of the board!


This deck still struggles against the Death Knights out there, as they can generate more minions faster, and I usually can't take control back more than maybe once with some attack buffs and then Going Down Swinging.  FYI: In the Warrior match ups that get three rush, taunt, lifesteal, and divine shield Zilly3k, if you use a Burning Heart or two to pop remaining divine shields, and then drop Going Down Swinging, it's a nice, clean way to clear them without giving the opponent more health.  Warrior in general is near even, but I believe still a positive match up for me.  With a little luck of the draw and some good decisions you can beat most decks out there, except maybe Hunters and DKs right now.  Those are pretty tough!

I don't have exact stats since I have played multiple games on mobile, probably more than on PC, but I do believe it's been a positive winrate so far.  I don't usually play a lot of Standard so I ran out of star bonus back in Platinum 10, but I'm clawing my way forward.  Currently up to Diamond 2.


If you have the cards, give it a try.  Again, Ci'Cigi and Snake Eyes could likely be swapped for something else.  Honestly, I'm not the best at deck building, so any other optimizations you see, try them out and let me know how they went.  Would love to hear suggestions.



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