Self Damage Lackey Zoolock
Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
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Hey Menelder
I noticed your decklist from the forum post you made recently, and I built a similar decktype. I wanted to ask if you think the deck will have enough Life gain? of course the overall premise of self damage warlock is to take damage but you necessarily don't want to be too low. in terms of health gain your only card that offer it is Lord Jaraxxus and that won't be til turn 9. I know zoolock don't typicaly care about healling but with so many self damage cards I personally would worry about being killed early by my opponent with no way of gaining it back. Do you have any thoughts about that?
Thanks for your suggestion :)
I think adding more lifegain cards would disrupt your zoo strategy and slow down your deck too much. Now when I revisit the deck I made and with what I said above in mind I would cut some cards that are not proactive enough.
-2x Nethersoul Buster
-2x Blood Witch
-1x Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
+2x Lifedrinker
That leaves me with 3 slots that should be filled probably with some cards that were already included in zoolock like knife jugler and dire wolf alpha. Reasoning behind these changes is:
Blood witch is just too slow for a zoo type of deck. While the effect synergies with the selfdamaging strategy, playing 4 mana 3/6 is not proactive and valuable enough for a zoo deck. Crystallizer does this job so much better and faster. Same goes with Nethersoul Buster. It can go big but if you don't get your self damaging minion you're having 1/5 in your hand that does nothing and he just depends too much on your damaging minions. For Dark Pharaoh Tekahn I think it does bring a lot of value but for a really short time. You can get 8 lackeys as a warlock and often enough you want to play them as soon as you can or save it for Evil Recruiter. You don't want to save your lackeys until you draw Dark Pharaoh Tekahn since you're playing a fast deck and Tekahn feels sometimes greedy. Lifedrinker is the perfect lifegain card in this deck and while you're getting 3/3 for 4 you are dealing and healing for 3 which is worth about 2 mana.