Budget Mechscavate Rogue (Badlands Budget Theorycraft)

Last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by
  • Theorycraft
  • Tinyfin

This deck gets low to the ground with mechanical aggression, while leaving space for solid Excavators Bloodrock Co. Shovel and Burrow Buster to improve our chances with powerful card options. The deck runs enough 2-Drops to enableGreedy Partner and gets even more Coins from Coppertail Snoop.

Three favorite cards:

3. Greedy Partner: One of the deck's many ways to get Coins for tempo-cheating on later turns, she fits in with 12 other 2-Drops to trigger her.

2. Burrow Buster: Both a Rush with a solid body and a source of powerful Treasure. It's also a Mech, making it tutorable with Pit Stop.

1. Bloodrock Co. Shovel: Cheap excavations, although you technically have to wait a few turns to get the goods. In the meantime, enjoy swinging some damage at your opponent's face and minions, all for the low low cost of 1 Mana.

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