Egg Madness

Last updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago by
  • Casual
  • Fun
  • Theorycraft

Hello Hunters,

Mystery Egg + Yelling Yodeler is the stuff meme dreams are made of, so join team deathrattle today!

General Gameplan

  1. Get annoying minions in play (e.g., Nerubian Egg, Bucket of Soldiers)
  2. Buff with Bestial Madness and Leokk from Patchwork Pals
  3. Double up on egg deathrattles with Yelling Yodeler
  4. Stablize with a buffed heal from Hollow Hound
  5. Keep refilling the board via deathrattlers (e.g., Spurfang), animal companions, and copies of discounted big beasts from the Mystery Eggs
  6. Put in some final burst damage via buffed Huffer and (discounted) King Plush
  7. Do it all over again with Stranglethorn Heart
  8. Praise Yogg (auto includes for me, but feel free to swap out)


We don't have a strong T1 play other than Tracking, so mulligan hard for a 2-drop.  If you think you're in a control match, keep Yelling Yodeler as well. 

Ideally our curve looks something like:

Other Notes on Inclusions

Bunch of Bananas

  • Buffs eggs / bucket so you can pop them, pumps up Spurfang for the DR, and is fantastic on the windfury Toy Soldier

Yelling Yodeler 

  • Core to the deck, but don't hesitate to use one early / on curve if you can generate value from Nerubian Egg or Nesting Golem.  Unfortunately not worth it to use on Bucket of Soldiers.
  • Typically want to the save the 2nd copy until you can maximize value from Mystery Egg / its mini or a buffed Spurfang

Stonehill Defender 

  • On curve play that can buy some time until you can stabilize on T5/T6.  Also helpful later in the game for protecting buffed minions / toy soldiers and generating some value.
  • There are a few fun DR taunt minions for Yodeler to target (e.g., Obsidian Revenant, Messmaker) as well as some situational life savers (e.g., Origami Crane)

Replacement Options

I always want to praise Yogg in my decks, but Prison of Yogg-Saron and Yogg-Saron, Unleashed are not core to the gameplan.  Potential replacements:

Other considerations:

  • Have tried swapping out Stonehill Defender + Nesting Golem for Fate Splitter + Giggling Toymaker for some more memes from Splitter and then access to taunt via Toymaker (also not the worst Yodeler target, especially with Leok or Bestial Madness in hand).  The only anti-synergy is that Mister Mukla provides an easy way for the opponent's last card to be something that's low value to copy.
  • Have considered Gaslight Gatekeeper for the ability to shuffle beasts back into the deck for copying, but I haven't had issues yet with only 5 beasts in the deck.
    • Alternatively, could swap Yoggs for Toyrannosaurus if the beast pool feels too light.  

Have purposefully not included Messenger Buzzard to keep the beast pool consitent for mystery egg.  There are also a lot of other value generators that I'd love to include but would likely be win-more cards (e.g., Zola the Gorgon for Yodeler or discounted big beasts). 

  • Could also lean more into token hunter synergies, but given the meta status of that deck I've avoided it to have a different experience

Have you been having success with any other Mystery Egg synergies?  Please let me know!

Happy Hunting!
- RD

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