Anka Togwaggle Rogue V2 (WIP)

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
  • Fun

With a new expansion comes new opportunities to meme on your opponents! Okay, well technically this is an old meme but due to Anka, the Buried our combo for today is made a little bit easier with the handy ability of reducing expensive deathrattles to 1 mana.

The combo (AKA How to steal your opponent's deck as rogue):

  • Anka your Hoarding Dragons in hand to 1 mana
  • Use Emperor Thauissan to reduce your Hoarding Dragons, Spiritsinger Umbra, & King Togwaggle by one mana (for a total of 10 mana for the combo.
  • Sometime play Valeera the Hollow so you can double up on Backstab
  • When the combo is assembled play Umbra, then both hoarding dragons (giving your opponent 4 coins), backstab one dragon (and giving 2 more coins) then backstab the second dragon with Valeera's effect (giving your opponent a total of 8 coins).
  • Lastly, play King Togwaggle. Assuming your opponent had at least 2 cards in hand already their hand will be full and you get to keep your opponent's better deck while giving them your mostly useless cycle cards, or an empty deck if combo pieces were on the bottom.


The general idea is to cycle through your deck and stall with your midrange taunts/deathrattles, Renoing up when needed, and dropping N'Zoth (ideally twice with Shadowstep) for major late game stall/distraction against slow control decks while your get your combo ready.

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