Forty Thieves

Last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
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Welcome to the Forty Thieves club
As an honorary member of the gang,
There's no one alive ever leaves

Ya gotta snatch and sneak
Or else your future's bleak
Welcome to the Forty Thieves!

► Intro

The purpose of this deck is to steal your opponent's most powerful cards and to turn their win-condition against them. We are the EVILdoers in this scheme and our goal is to continue the legacy of the O.G. Mastermind. So bare with me, brothers and sisters, as we slowly transfer our headquarters to Hearthstation.


► Something very important

Often times, when I play against priest players in wild and in standard, I see a very common mistake being repeated hundreds of times. They are quiet throughout the whole game.

Leute, it doesn't matter what type of a priest deck you are running, as long as you have the Anduin skin on your portrait, you have to follow the most important rule - always emote.

Emotes were implemented for a reason and Blizzard purposely gave the most annoying ones to Anduin. This is our primary weapon against tryharders and if you don't use them frequently, then you don't deserve to play as Andy. I WANT YOU TO SPAM THAT EMOTE BUTTON EVERY TIME YOU STEAL SOMETHING. It doesn't matter if it's through Thoughtsteal, Entomb, Mind Control or something else. You have to heat up the situation. If you don't feel like it, then go play Burgle rogue or something. Rogues are the sneaky class, they prefer playing quietly in the shadows. Priests like to be noisy about it and they don't miss on the opportunity to rub the stolen cards in the opponent's face. That's their purpose of life and you have to devote yourself to the role play. 


► Unlocking Heroic Mode

Yes, before you ask, this mode exists. The following is very important to realize, because if you screw something up, then you might lock yourself from this hidden feature. You see, it all depends on how you BM your opponent. If you start emoting from the very start for absolutely no reason, then they will just squelch you and ignore your RP. In order to unlock this mode, you have to go on your opponent's nerves. E.g. steal something, emote and play it against them. Make them spend resources on their own cards. And when they do, emote "Whoops" and be annoying as much as possible. Only then they will motivate themselves to beat you and will concentrate upon making the best possible plays. And then, our victory becomes sweeter. This is why you must never let your guard down and you must always be on the alert.

Also, please make a difference between a normal BM and our little RP. I don't tolerate acting like an asshole, roping the opponent needlessly or insulting them after the match. The ability to go on your opponent's nerves while not overstepping the line takes finesse and can be mastered through hard work. Practise this and you will become a master one day.

► Strategy

- Versus Faster decks - clear, heal, clear, heal, stabilize, steal and emote.
- Versus Control - steal, clear, steal, heal, steal, steal, steal and emote.
- Versus Combo - run Dirty Rat, play it, ruin their strategy, steal and emote.

► General Mulligan

- Versus Faster decks - first of all remove Awaken the Makers. Look for Mass Hysteria, Bloodmage Thalnos + Spirit Lash, and Shadow Visions/Greater Healing Potion.
- Versus Control - keep Awaken the Makers. Look for Entomb, Shadow Visions. The rest can be deathrattle minions.
- Versus Combo - include Dirty Rat and try to find it.

► Class specific strategies


If you face a warrior on the ladder, then it's more likely to be a Pirate Warrior than anything else. Since they are quite aggressive, I would advise you to mulligan for defensive tools. Clear their pirates and hope for a good card draw RNG.
If it's not pirate, then you might face an odd deck. Which is control and thus a favourable MU. If this isn't the case either, then prepare yourself for DMH warrior. Try to dump your hand and play Archbishop Benedictus only after they cast Dead Man's Hand. Keep in mind, that some decks also run Mecha'thun - if your opponent aggressively draws cards, it's a good idea to save the rat for their last turn.


Mech - the only cards, which are good here are: Mass Hysteria,  Bloodmage Thalnos + Spirit LashPsychic Scream + Greater Healing Potion, Shadow Visions. Find them, stabilize and win. Clear mechs, since they can be magnetized. Remove the quest.
Secret - the first thing I want to mention is that Master's Call is super annoying, as the hunter can fetch Barnes and summon a 10/10 Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound on turn 4. This is why if you have Shadow Word: Death, you should always keep it. It's advisable to do this when you face hunter in general. Secondly - be very careful, when you cast spells. Cat Trick is extremely common, so if you have the possibility, try to cast a spell, which will trigger this secret, and then play a board clear. Save Mass Hysteria for their spellstone. Other than that - stabilize and out-value them.
(reserved for other decks)


Odd - look for defensive tools, try to save your AoEs (Spirit Lash) when you really need them, i.e. before the paladin plays Quartermaster. If you can afford it, play around Divine Favor.
Exodia - Congratulations, you are f*cked. Try to build up pressure. If you face this deck too often, add a Dirty Rat.
Anyfin - don't let the Murloc Warleaders and Old Murk-Eye die. Entomb or Psychic Scream and then Entomb them, if you don't have the this spell beforehand. If somehow the paladin plays smart and they kill their murlocs, play Amara, Warden of Hope before the second Anyfin Can Happen.


Odd or pirate kingsbane. Nothing much to say - just find your defensive tools and try to survive. Hyper aggressive decks are our biggest counter, so it's a good idea to mulligan the quest away, in order to improve your chances of drawing the right cards and thus winning.
If you stumble upon Big Rogue, try to find Psychic Scream, maybe Lightbomb/Greater Healing Potion and try to maintain your health. You will probably prepare for Odd, but if you somehow know you are facing Big, then keep the quest.


In most cases it's Even. Try to find Mass Hysteria, Shadow Visions and it's also good if you find Shadow Word: Death (for their 4 mana 7/7 or giant). Play around Devolve (don't have too many taunts at a certain time. Mulligan the quest away.


Rare MU. It's mostly jade druid. Either way just try to find reactive stuff so you can deal with their board and out-value them with their own cards.
Against jade - try save Entomb for Aya Blackpaw. Unless you are low on health and you want to build up Amara, Warden of Hope, I would suggest casting Twilight's Calls after stealing Aya and having her die.


There is a big variety in this class. I would personally advise you to keep the quest in all cases.
Evenlock - if you somehow know your opponent is playing this deck, keep Shadow Word: DeathLightbomb and Shadow Visions/Mass Hysteria. The strategy is pretty simple - clear, heal, survive and then out-value them. If you have a lot of health and spare mana, heal your opponent (and don't forget to emote ;P ). This way you play around Hooked Reaver.
Cubelock - Save Entomb for Mal'Ganis. Same as above - clear, heal, survive and then out-value them. If you somehow suspect a 25-burst combo, then try to time Amara, Warden of Hope correctly.
Control warlock or Renolock - outvalue them. Play Entomb on Voidlord and Rin, the First Disciple. If they somehow kill her, play Archbishop Benedictus after Azari, the Devourer, this is why you shouldn't play him before Rin enters the board. However some people don't run Shadowflame, so if you have Benedictus and they haven't killed their Rin yet, then play him first. You don't want to risk him being pulled by a Dirty Rat. Oftentimes I purposely don't play any stolen minions from my hand just to minimize the chances of letting my opponent pull Amara or Benedictus.

Some of them run Mecha'thun. RUN THE RAT, if you face this deck too often.


Burn/Tempo - So be really picky, when it comes to the mulligan stage. Take only cheap stuff. Try to play around some secrets - Counterspell, Explosive Runes and Potion of Polymorph/Mirror Entity - by sacrificing cheap spells or high-health minions.
Combo - there are many variants here. Some use Open the Waygate others just rely on Emperor Thaurissan. In this MU we don't need the quest. Play Dirty Rat (if you run it); if you manage to steal Research Project or Coldlight Oracle, then use them, in order to mill your opponent. In case with the rat - use it 1) after the oppponent played Thauri, 2) or after they played a lot of minions and their quest is almost complete.
Control (incl. Reno) - "steal, clear, steal, heal, steal, steal, steal and emote".


Your opponent will most likely be Big Priest. The strategy here is pretty simple - steal their annoying minions and narrow down their resurrection pool. This is why I ALWAYS try to find Entomb in my mulligan stage (+ Shadow Visions into a second one or a copy of Psychic Scream). The only minions, which are not worth stealing are Barnes and Obsidian Statue (+ Emperor Thaurissan especially if you have a lot of removals in hand).

The only bad MU I face is the Mind Blast big priest. Against this deck try to Entomb Malygos and Prophet Velen. Don't let them die.
Razakus - if they play the OTK version, then RIP. Otherwise try to calculate how much damage they can deal in a single turn. 
Dragon Burn - I have faced it thrice. Same as above - try to calculate how much damage they can deal in a single turn. Don't let them out-tempo you.
Innerfire Priest - well, this is a bad MU. Try to clear their threats and keep your minions' health as low as possible. If they play both Twilight Acolyte, then you can play threats safely.

Proof for reaching legend:

► Possible cards replacements and recommendations:


Awaken the Makers
- Staple with all of the deathrattle minions and support.
Bloodmage Thalnos - This isn't a staple card, but it's very, very good. You can use a Loot Hoarder for the deathrattle synergies, but the spell power is extremely useful with Spirit Lash.
Chameleos - I only use him for funzies.
Archbishop Benedictus - Good card versus control decks, which reach fatigue. Kinda hard to find a replacement, because no other card can delay the fatigue like he does. I would suggest something else - you can use Piloted Shredder or Rotten Applebaum, in order to speed up fulfilling the quest, to have better chances against aggressive strategies and to deny your hand getting overflooded with value from N'Zoth. But if you aim to hand fun, then try to add some meme cards as a compensation.
Shadowreaper Anduin - staple. The card is just too good - removal and reach. How can someone say no to that?
Sylvanas Windrunner - she offers some nice board control (that is if you aren't too low on health). You can use a cheap defensive card like Rotten Applebaum or Dead Ringer, in order to speed your quest.
N'Zoth, the Corruptor - kinda staple, especially when he summons a lot of taunts and Sylvani.


Spirit Lash/Excavated Evil (+Bloodmage Thalnos) - when you face a lot of token decks (or mech hunter).
Gluttonous Ooze - if you face a lot of pirate warrior and cubelock (+ burn mage).
Dirty Rat or Deathlord against combo. But be careful in the Big priest MUs or when you don't have a removal in hand and you are pressured by a fast deck.
Mind Control Tech - against mid-range decks.
Zola the Gorgon - more value from our cards (N'zoth, Amara).

► Deck theme song (especially when your opponent is irritated)

Thanks for the attention. Have fun and don't forget to emote. ;)

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