Force your opponent to battleCRY - Shaman

Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
  • Ranked

At the time of posting this deck, I am at rank 6 with 10 wins and 0 losses and counting. I have played against every new deck as well including multiple mirrors.

There is not a lot of legendaries in this deck because I found the more you have the worse the deck gets. Twilight Drake was a substitute for some cards and when doubled is insane health-wise. It forces your opponent to get rid of it or you get great trades. Also works great with Shudderwock.

Siamat can be replaced with Jepetto if you want (I just didn't have a Jepetto), but Siamat is a good board clear and give your shudderwock with twilight Drake a lot of dmg potential. 

Other than that it is your typical battlecry shaman deck currently. Coin out evil totem if you can, always double lifedrinker, and earthquake and lightning storm are your board clears.

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