Reno Hunter (Uldum update)

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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Reno Hunter is one archetipe I´ve always enjoyed since the creation of wild mode and some players (Dane) had relative success with. Since I´ve oppened [Hearthstone Card (Zephrys, the Great) Not Found], I decided to give it a try.

The new toys this deck uses include Zephreys itself, as well as [Hearthstone Card (Hunter’s Pack) Not Found], a great value generating card and the anti-combo tech Wild Bloodstinger. I am trying the bloodstinger as an alternative to the more common Dirty Rat because (i) combo disruption is usually a late-game need (ii) the Bloodstinger attacks the minnion, reducing the need for an aswer form hand, which Hunter has less of, compared to Worlock, fo exemple and (iii) the Bloodstinger is more of an midrange card that can be played on curve and is very likelly to 2-for-1 your opponent, killing the minnion summoned and lefting a 5-attack threat on board.

Besides that, is the good old Reno Hunter, with a strong deathrattle pack, Sylvanas, a MONSTER against big priests and some early game in Unstable Ghoul and the traps. Rexxar tilts the scales in your favor in any control match, the sheer value and flexibility of the Zoombeasts is just insane.

I´ve got a positive winrate so far, but its day 2 of the expansions. I will be playing more of this deck and any imputs from other players are welcome.


EDIT: since yesterday switched to ranked and got a 5-0 streak so far, from Rank 9 to R8. Beat 3 aggro/secret mages and 2 quest/taunt warriors. I´ve not met Big Priests or Odd Paladins yet. Will try to get to R5 by the end of the weekend playing only this deck.

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