Dycer's Making Mummies

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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This is the version of Making Mummies Paladin that I have done the best with so far as it more consistently completes the quest mid game. A perfect opening hand is Making Mummies, Murmy, and Crystology which makes completing the quest on turn 4 or 5 . I average completion around turn 6-7 thanks in large part to Witchwood Piper. Countess Ashmore is just a great tutor which helps complete the quest if your draw has been unlucky, and provides you with late game juice.  

Now for the tech options. I have two Consecrations because I have been seeing a lot of murloc and zoo decks. If you think you are against one, try to mulligan for it as having it to counter their wide development turns often wins you the game. If you face a lot decks that you need silences for, swap out one Mechanical Whelp for another Spellbreaker

That is pretty much it; the deck is straight forward and easy to play. If you are struggling on getting Making Mummies completed efficiently, I highly recommend trying this version out. 

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