Token Hand Hybrid Druid

Last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

Hello everyone! This is my first deck guide, and in case I have not figured out the card post thing yet here is my attempt: Fireball. Let's see if I can beat the streamers to some of these theorycraft decks. This deck is very cheap, having only one legendary, so it is the perfect Day-1 deck! No one knows for sure how the meta will unfold, so you need to spend your dust wisely.

Disclaimer! I have no experience playing token druid, but have played HS for 3 years and fought against them many times. I also would like to think I know HS pretty well and can theroycraft accordingly. I have made many considerations and spent a lot of time making this deck.

This deck is all about the traditional token-style druid board flood and setting up that sweet Savage Roar lethal turn, but with the added bonus of using the large hand cards to obtain huge and wide boards at the same time. It is very hard to remove both a wide and huge board in one turn. Keeper Stalladris gives you additional resources in hand for flooding and buffing, and this deck wants to take advantage of those extra cards in every way possible. Token decks historically have had resource problems, so I think Keeper Stalladris is the best card for them and a "Spectacular!" legendary overall.


This deck can reach for a few win cons:

Early - use Witchwood Apple to get Mountain Giant on the board and SMOrc your opponent down, as early as turn 3 with the coin, and then follow up with Twilight Drake and Bewitched Guardian.

Midrange - Go the normal token route and get a wide board for buffing, and just overwhelm your opponent. Soul of the Forest can win you the game on the spot if used on a wide board.

Late Game - Late game your only real option is to hope you exhaust your opponent of their clears and get a lucky board to stick for a turn. If you want a more late-game oriented token deck, I will be posting an alternate list that uses treants and The Forest's Aid soon.


Other cards in the deck and cards to consider:

Crazed Alchemist - Mainly here to stop Frost Nova+Doomsayer and the likes of Wall Priest from shutting down your board. It also lines up nicely with your Twilight Drake to SMOrc! Can be switched out for Shieldbreaker.

Starfall - With many board clears like Dragon's Fury and Defile rotated out, I think Madame Lazul can forsee many token/zoo style decks in the meta, and having this or Swipe can save you if you are behind.

Ferocious Howl - Is a good card in general that works well with the large hand you get, but aggro decks like these usually don't care about their own life totals much. Your opponent should be trading into your minions if they want to live.

Blessing of the Ancients - Personally I think this card is too slow to see play and [Hearthstone Card (Keeper Stelladris) Not Found] gives you extra value anyways, and too many buff cards can leave you with a useless hand. May be a one-of once someone is able to test out this deck and gives it the A-OK, but most of the time you buff your board you search for lethal and this is just inferior to your other options in that regard.

Violet Teacher - Gives you extra value from your spells and generates a board for you in a pinch. Exotic Mountseller is the big boi version of this card, but with less potential to combo with many spells at once. This card may actually give Silverback Patriarch a chance to shine! Archmage Vargoth also works for this deck and is an okay 4-drop. Fortunately, everyone gets this one on the house!

Dendrologist - He can give you just the spell you need, but with other important tech cards in the deck, and not many ways to make treants on-demand, does not make the final cut of my list. As with any deck, the list is not set in stone, so if you want that extra spice or really hate Crazed Alchemist's play sound, go for it.

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