Immortal Healladin

Last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

With some new cards coming out supporting the Heal Palladin, I think these types of decks will start appearing in the meta. With Immortal Prelate and Hakkar, the Soulflayer in standard and Baku the Mooneater and Genn Greymane out, Heal Palladin has a win condition it has been desperately pleading for without the oppressive odd/even decks pushing it and the other niche deck archetypes away from play. This deck uses heal and buff synergy to have a very strong mid-game presence and stop aggro in its tracks. Late game your buffed up [Hearthstone Card (Immortal Prelates) Not Found] with lifesteal from Lightforged Blessing keep you alive and win matches that go to fatigue. Your opponent has to remove them every turn and then you get them back in your deck! The cycle continues. An alternate win con is Hakkar, the Soulflayer in case your opponent manages to silence both Immortal Prelates. After using Hakkar you can play Prince Liam to purify your deck and get you some random legendaries, depending on how long you want to keep paying 3 health for them.


Card explanations and considerations:

Bloodclaw and Call to Adventure - Bloodclaw is here to stop aggro and to get healing done early by Flash of Light in order to activate Zandalari Templar. I initially had two Crystallizers in here, but when Call to Adventure was revealed I switched them out in order to maximize the chance it hits Immortal Prelate. More consistency in drawing your Prelate early can go a long way, since it is always a strong 2 mana play. This package of Call, Bloodclaw and 2x Zandalari can be traded out for Doomsayers and Crystallizers for more anti-aggro plays.

Paragon of Light - This is a fantastic synergy card for buffing and healing all in one! If nothing else, it is a fairly stated 3-drop.

Hecklebot - Stops annoying combo decks (sometimes) and curves out great into Zilliax, allowing it to spectacularly counter aggro. Unfortunately since it only summons from the deck there is no telling what you may pull. A combo card in hand is easier to read, but this is all we have at the moment for combo disruption unless you want to run Mojomaster Zihi. Unseen Saboteur works only for spells, and Duel! disrupts yourself as well. Rebuke is another option but I think is just an inferior version of Mojomaster Zihi.

Time Out! - This can be used, when ran with more draw, to add Corrupted Bloods into your deck and generate more legendaries from Prince Liam in fatigue. This or just Liam is preferred over Archivist Elysiana because it makes for a much less clunky turn (since you only spend 5 mana or have immunity until next turn anyways) and you do not replace your [Hearthstone Card (Immortal Prelates) Not Found] when you use Prince Liam.

The Glass Knight - This card functions well with the heal deck and there is a chance there is an OP interaction when you give this lifesteal. When you attack with the minion it loses divine shield, then heals, as seen with Zilliax. Since you heal after the attack, this card will just get its divine shield back, even if your opponent trades into it. You will effectively have an immortal minion that can only be removed by spells, AND it has 4 attack, so no Priests can touch it without Forbidden Words. I'm hoping this is the case since The Glass Knight sees no play right now.

Countess Ashmore - Lets you tutor out Shirvallah, the Tiger, Zilliax, Immortal Prelate and/or Hakkar, the Soulflayer. A possible replacement for this is Lay on Hands, which is not bad since Shirvallah, the Tiger appreciates the mana discount.

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