Late Game Treant Druid

Last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

This deck is for the people who really love the Treant archetype. It is not as competitive as my other token-style Druid deck. I have not done as much research on this deck and is more of a fun theorycraft than anything else. The goal is to use all the treant synergies successfully, see your little tree kids all grown up with Treespeaker, and say "Nature will rise against you!" while using double Savage Roar to make your army of trees give your opponent splinters until they die. The deck is late game focused and the plan is to make a board for every clear the opponent has and eventually get a board they can't answer. All token decks do this, but this deck does it to the extreme with two copies of The Forest's Aid and many other cards. Since the win condition is mid to late, your strategy against aggro should be to trade and then out-value, even if it feels bad to see your little trees die.


There are many weird cards in here so i'll explain them:

Floop's Glorious Gloop - This is meant to give you a recovery plan against large taunts or boards that you are forced to trade into. Hopefully this will let you pull off a strong turn afterwards like The Forest's Aid into Soul of the Forest or into Treespeaker with the extra mana you get.

Crazed Alchemist and Shieldbreaker - These tech cards let you kill Doomsayer and deal with annoying taunts that get in your way. Because this deck plans to go into late game, there will be times when you use these in almost every match. Remember to leave a spot to play Crazed Alchemist against mage in case of Frost Nova+Doomsayer!

Flobbidinous Floop - Floop can turn into cheap copies of Cenarius and Tending Tauren, giving you the combo potential to have huge swing turns.

Zilliax - Everyone's auto-include card; a post-Boomsday deck wouldn't feel like a deck without him. He is great versus aggro and the best part is he can heal you for 11 health when magnetized to Mulchmuncher!

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