Reno and Reno open the Waygate

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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I've made lots of post Uldum decks.  This one currently has my hightest win rate.  It wipes the floor with Big priests and has a fighting chance against the bane of cyclone mage.

It's a regular control deck that eliminates every threat.  Vs. Big decks Zephyrys, Kazakus, Potion of Polymorph, Polymorph and randomly generated spells provide more than enough ammunition.

Vs. another control deck, you aim to play Vargoth and Time Warp and either rush down the enemy with giants or Great arcane missiles.

Vs aggro you've got reno and iceblock to lengthen your life, the new Reno, flamestrike, blizzard and generated spells to deal with wide boards.

Lots of decisions and you need to think far ahead of how your will win the current game as very different from game to game. E.g. vs aggro you drop Vargoth early, but vs control or combo your hold it.  Choose carefully what to use Bran on.  Sometimes Kazakus, but versus combo, better with Dirty Rat.

All in all, it's a swiss army knife of a deck.

May Yogg be with you.


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