[Wild] Highlander Hunter
- Highlander Hunter
- Wild
- Ranked
New version: Highlander Hunter 2.0
Aggro deck are hard, but Candleshot, Mistress of Mixtures, Explosive Trap, Unleash the Hounds and Grievous Bite are very nice to control the board.
Baleful Banker is good to back some minions to your deck. I win some games because suffle King Krush/Charged Devilsaur on deck and playing Kathrena Winterwisp(on turn 10)
Acid Ooze and Flare are nice againts Secret Mages
Geist is for Mechathun Druids, some OTK Paladin(wait your opponents play Banana Buffon) and Giant/Quest Mages
Big Priest its a hard macthup, but not impossible, use DK Rexxar has last recurse. Your 2 dmg hero power helps a lot
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4- 00
- 11
- 82
- 73
- 34
- 15
- 46
- 67+
- 1 Flare x 1
- 2 Bear Trap x 1
- 2 Explosive Trap x 1
- 2 Freezing Trap x 1
- 2 Pressure Plate x 1
- 2 Wandering Monster x 1
- 3 Animal Companion x 1
- 3 Deadly Shot x 1
- 3 Stitched Tracker x 1
- 3 Unleash the Hounds x 1
- 4 Flanking Strike x 1
- 4 Marked Shot x 1
- 6 Deathstalker Rexxar x 1
- 6 Unleash the Beast x 1
- 7 Dinotamer Brann x 1
- 8 Kathrena Winterwisp x 1
- 9 King Krush x 1
- 10 Zul'jin x 1
- 2 Acidic Swamp Ooze x 1
- 2 Novice Engineer x 1
- 2 Zephrys the Great x 1
- 3 Brann Bronzebeard x 1
- 3 Vulpera Scoundrel x 1
- 3 Zola the Gorgon x 1
- 4 Spellbreaker x 1
- 5 Zilliax x 1
- 6 Reno Jackson x 1
- 6 Skulking Geist x 1
- 7 Charged Devilsaur x 1
- 9 Oondasta x 1
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at what ranks did you play_
i would consider replacing acidic by gluttonous and vulpera with scarlet webweaver or with the 3/12 taunt ww bear. (just some thought upon first inspection). will give it a try, that's a neat winrate you're boasting there with a non-meta deck
I'm work on this deck every day.. making changes to beat some meta decks, like Reno Warlocks, Secret Mages(I'm stuck on Rank 6 and have a lot of SM). Every change I do is on hearthpwn(Because can sync with my collection). Link here
I put cards like Khartut Defender because Secret Mages. I'll try the bear 3/12 taunt too. Scarlet Webweaver sounds weird with Kathrena. Maybe Thaurissan can be better.
Skulking Geist is just good vs Jade/Mechatun Druids. I'm considering remove him.
Thanks for suggestions