Horrible silence priest deck

Last updated 5 years, 11 months ago by
  • Fun

Before you read this, remember one thing; this deck is bad. Really REALLY bad and should only be used for fun

pileofcheese inc is not responsible for any damage to dust, gold, or your health total. We do not promise anything but despair when utilising our decks.

Now the plan is simple; get your combo cards ready in your hand (These are, Inner Fire or Topsy Turvy, and two copies of Divine Strength) and play them to kill your opponent. Use minions that wouldn't be able to attack otherwise to surprise them and trick them into believing they don't need to remove them from the board. This deck is in the style of silence pries in ye 'olden days, when we still had Purify and [Hearthstone Card (Humonguous Razorleaf) Not Found]. Now we rely on Arcane Watcher and Dalaran Librarian to carry us instead.

Aside from the tweaked silence package, this deck holds all the expected priest cards to stall boards and kill minions and would play like any divine strength deck. Maybe Stormwind Champion could be a nice addition, but I fear the loss of Radiant Elemental will make expensive combo's in one turn rather difficult to pull of. Running a Topsy Turvy style deck with Test Subjects could also be a possibility, but since that deck fell flat, I went with this core. 

good luck!

(there are also some cards in there that are just for silence benefits, like Jepetto Joybuzz, his added bonus is the card draw.)

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