'ere Comes A Big Axe!

Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
  • Fun

This deck is a modernized version of the Clockwork OTK. The goal is to power either Rexxar's arrow or Zul'jin's axe with a bunch of reactor cores. Zul'jin deserves a big axe and Rexxar well he probably won't refuse the help after Blizz butchered his portrait.

Clockwork Automaton Card Image Steady Shot Card Image Berserker Throw Card Image

The gameplay is simply to survive while using a combination of Ursatron and Nine Lives to draw all the mechs in the deck which allows the cost of at least one automaton to be reduced by 1. It also makes a rather nice Joybuzz turn possible.

Master's Call should be used cautiously so the Jepetto turn don't fizzle (arguably only one copy could be run since Zul'jin replays it anyway)  It is rather important that one of your combo pieces gets reduced to a 1/1. As such, good targets for Master's Call are Jepetto Joybuzz , Emperor Thaurissan , Ursatron or Spiritsinger Umbra though that last one should be last resort.

The Thaurissan turn hitting a Play Dead or Feign Death is huge. Keep it in mind.

Keep counting the total mana cost of your combo as it is sometimes playable way before turn 10. 

A Big Scary Arrow


Sometimes Lucky


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