
Last updated 5 years ago by
  • Fun

Hey Guys,

Here's an interesting Idea for you - Menagerie as Singleton-Deck!

After I've seen the new Murlocs, Skyfin and Tasty Flyfish, I knew it right away: Menagerie is comming to Constructed! 

Imagine; Murlocs, Beasts and Dragons joining Forces to crush your Opponent with the unstoppable Power of a Clownfiesta! Savage Murlocs to run your Enemies over, wild Beasts to Hunt them down and mighty Dragons to deliver the Finishing Blow!!

▬  BUT ▬

This Army needs fearless Leaders

Who will command the Dragons? Who will tame these Beasts? Who is gonna put up with smelly little Fishmen?

Well, there can ONLY BE ONE.......or three.


Here's the Game-Plan I had in Mind for this Deck: Murlocs for the early Push, Beasts for the Mid-Game and Synergies between the Tribes and Dragons for Card draw/generation.

I've sprinkled in some Cards to make sure you don't run out of Resources, like Octosari, Halazzi, the Lynx or Murloc Tastyfin.

I also tried to make sure to put in as many Pay-Off and Between-Tribe Synergies as possible, like Hench-Clan Hogsteed, Scaleworm and of course the new Murlocs.

Play this Deck, and I promise you, you'll reach Rank 15 in no Time!


So, that's my Theorycraft for the Xpac. Hope you enjoyed it!

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