Renolock [DoD]

Last updated 5 years ago by
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This is the version of Renolock I've been running updated to include a couple new Descent of Dragons cards. I tend to include a lot of tech cards in my decks, but the ones that stick will obviously vary depending on how the meta shapes up.

I expect to still see a lot of secret mage as people seek to farm easy wins from those testing new decks, so Eater of Secrets is one I definitely intend to keep in the deck to start. 

Kobold Stickyfinger may come too late to stop the expected pirate aggression, we'll see. If pirate warrior is indeed really dominant and Golakka Crawler isn't sufficient to stay alive in the early game, we may need to swap this for an Acidic Swamp Ooze or Gluttonous Ooze. Fun-wise though, stealing even a single Val'anyr or Kingsbane might make Kobold Stickyfinger's inclusion completely worthwhile.

Anti-dragon tech such as Dragonmaw Poacher or Dragonslayer might also be something to consider in light of the expansion's theme. I probably won't start with these cards as I expect it will take time for dragon decks to really get refined.

I initially considered including Valdris Felgorge for the deck (instead of Golakka Crawler) as it just seems so unique and fun, but I don't think it adds enough value to merit inclusion, and I expect the early days of the expansion to be super aggro-heavy. If I turn out to be wrong, Dark Skies might be another card worth considering alongside it since we tend to have a large hand size.

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  • ssaabbuu's Avatar
    225 210 Posts Joined 08/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Very nice deck! Thanks for sharing it. I will definitely give it a try and keep an eye on any changes you might do.


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