Resurrection / Taunt Quest Priest

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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Activate the Obelisk Card Image Khartut Defender Card Image Catrina Muerte Card Image 

Updated version of my Resurrection / Taunt Control Priest deck with Saviors of Uldum cards added in. The quest Activate the Obelisk is a perfect fit for what we're trying to do -- build and maintain a solid wall of taunts that the enemy can't break through and that heals us when killed.

Depending on how the meta shapes, Plague of Death may be too slow, as this deck's major weakness is a bad draw vs. fast aggro. We may instead need more tools to deal with earlier aggro such as another Shadow Word: Pain. That said, this card is so strong vs. late-game decks and I can't wait to try it out.

Two copies of Sandhoof Waterbearer may dilute our res pool too much but the heal effect does seem very good on paper. If the meta shifts heavily towards aggro decks (which to be honest is very likely) this will probably be the first card I cut to make room for faster taunts such as Abomination or Witchwood Grizzly, or just for more early control spells.

Update: For now I've swapped one copy out for Vivid Nightmare, which works well to provide a heal target.

Tunnel Blaster may also not be a great fit depending on what's popular - it saved me lots of times in Rise of Shadows, but can also be a liability in the wrong situation, and at 7 mana it's sometimes just too slow to be effective.

Update: So far this has underperformed for me, so I've swapped it for a Silence.

I might play around with adding one copy of Embalming Ritual, which would be amazing on cards such as Catrina Muerte or Convincing Infiltrator.

Some other alternative cards to consider, depending on the meta: Silence, Chameleos, Vivid Nightmare, Bone Wraith, Hecklebot (for a combo-heavy meta), Harrison Jones (for a bomb warrior/rogue-heavy meta), Archmage Vargoth, Archivist Elysiana (for a warrior-heavy meta), Mind Control.

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