Although these decks may not be given out for free anymore, in the goal of archival, we've decided to break out from the main guide and showcase the free decks available in 2021.

If you want the current version of this guide, please visit Free Decks for New and Returning Players.

Table of Contents

    The Old Returning Decks - Forged in the Barrens

    • These free decks were available starting on March 29, 2021 through August 3, 2021.

    The Old Returning Decks - United in Stormwind

    • These free decks were available starting on August 3, 2021 through December 7, 2021.

    0 6160 6160 2790 0
    0 6120 6120 2268 0
    0 6520 6520 1945 0
    0 6640 6640 5000 0
    0 6800 6800 3206 0
    0 6000 6000 2162 0
    0 6600 6600 3123 0
    2 6660 6660 4190 0
    0 6760 6760 2387 0
    0 6320 6320 3291 0

    The Old Returning Decks - Fractured in Alterac Valley

    • Free decks were available starting on December 7, 2021 through April 12, 2022.