New Demon Hunter & Warlock Minion - Soulciologist Malicia
Submitted 4 years, 7 months ago by
A new Legendary Demon Hunter/Warlock Minion, Soulciologist Malicia, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Demon Hunter/Warlock Minion, Soulciologist Malicia, has been revealed!
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Amazing card. This is a great control tool.
Warlock: This will see play mainly in control warlock. Probably Quest warlock as well, but i feel like these Soul Fragments might hurt the deck a bit after finishing the quest. Solid card that will see a lot of play.
DH: This will see play in tempo/aggro and control DH. But i feel like it will mainly be tempo/aggro DH, because of broken cards such as Soulshard Lapidary. And DH like's having a way to steal back board control. But the question will rather be: "Is your still alive around turn 7?"
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
This is one of a soul fragment cards I am least positive about. It's exceptionally strong and will see play in many decks, but I am not confident that every soul fragment list runs this card. Some of the soul fragment cards are poised to be extremely aggressive and might run the bare minimum of fragment generators just to enable the cards that destroy fragments while keeping the rest of the deck very aggressive. In those cases, even this card might be too slow since you're not as likely to have that many fragments in the deck.
I didn't think Blastmaster Boom was going to see play, but it did, and this looks even more powerful. It is probably going to be a LOT easier to shuffle Soul Fragments than Bombs, and 3/3s with Rush are probably more powerful than Boombots just because they are more consistent and proactive.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
the fact that she doesn't destroy them is huge. I am skeptical about her efficiency though. All the Fragment shufflers are very low cost and by the time you get to this you might have drawn a good amount already.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Also, most of the time you needed the Rush passive of Dr. Boom, Mad Genius to use the bots to its fullest, this ones already have rush and you could have the +2 damage as the overall extra damage you would get for bots (1-4)
It's really weird that she has anti-synergy with the deck, since many cards want you to destroy these Fragments for additional effects, but then this card wants you to keep them in your deck.
Even then though, it's still a pretty strong card for the deck and will surely see play in it.
This effect is only really great at 3 or more fragments, and even then it's not game winning.
I can't imagine a deck that is specifically built around this mechanic, and decks that coincidentally run a few fragment cards will probably not have that many in deck when they play this.
This package doesn't really slot into any deck right now, but maybe some of the cards are good enough that this could be acceptable for a midrange deck if you can play 2 fragment generators before this on average?
This post is discussing the wild format.
She needs to summon at least 2 of those 3/3s rush minions to be worth playing it. Below that - it's just weak with that 5/5 body heading in to the late game.
So, with those soul fragments - it all depends how many you can put in your deck. Cuz right now, I don't see that many generators.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
reminds me of Blastmaster Boom, only much faster (in terms of board control).
if soul fragment decks see play this IS in the deck.. probably day 1 craft for me.
This is a good card in a dedicated Soul Fragment deck, but unlike many of the other Soul Fragment cards it's unplayable outside of that. This scales directly with the amount of soul fragments in your deck, and I don't really see people having that many of them in their deck since one of the best things you can do with them is destroy them.
I don't think this is good enough as a finisher. That 5/5 body worries me with all the AOE removal floating around. This does look like the best type of deck to put Sphere of Sapience in though. You really want to make sure you are drawing the right cards at the right time with this deck while guaranteeing that activators remain in your deck. In a way it reminds me of a C'thun deck.
So the problem with this minion is that soul fragments in your deck does not threaten your opponent like the bombs needed for BlastMaster Boom does. And while a 3/3 with rush is good (see Rabid Worgen) you'll need to summon at least two for this minion to be above stats for it's cost.
and keep in mind, most late game minions will have a lot of health, you'll usually need at least 2-3 of the souls with rush to clear a priority target, which is another problem for this minion. Both Demon Hunter and Warlock specialize in drawing cards, a lot of cards, as we've seen with Warlock's Hero power and plot twist, and Demon Hunter's have used Spectral Sight, Skull of Gul'Dan, Chaos Strike Crimson Sigil Runner and the new Glide cards will help ensure you draw this minion but you'll also wind up drawing the soul fragments as well, which actually makes this minion weaker.
It's very fortunate both classes have 3 cards each that generate the soul fragments, and it's obvious that if you use the soul fragments you also include this minion, but I don't think she's very powerful on her own.
Oddly enough, this might be one of the worst Soul Fragment cards. You probably need to trigger this with at least two Soul Fragments in your deck to make a reasonable play, but I think you really want three or four.
Warlock and Demon Hunter both have access to up to three distinct fragment generation cards, so if you're all in on the strategy then you're looking at drawing one generator every five cards in your deck. You should have drawn at least 10 cards by the time Soulciologist Malicia drops, so you can reasonably expect to have played two generators. Every other payoff card destroys a fragment, and if you draw them they'll be destroyed too (and both classes have tons of card draw), so there's very little room for error if you're hoping to use the fragments and still make her worth it.
Maybe there's a world where you delay playing your Soul Fragment generators so you have more in the deck when she finally drops. It's possible, but given how tempo-oriented most of the cards are, it also seems foolish.
Looks decent, probably more so for the warlock side of the deck, since it’s shaping up to be a more Control one so far
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Great card for both of those classes, but you need to put in as many cards with the Soul Fragment package to make this worth it. A lot of those destroy the soul fragments in your deck for added bonuses, so you're hoping you'll have enough in your deck to squeeze as much value out of Malicia's battlecry.
The whole soul shards package I'm very lukewarm on. This being the big legendary payoff seems very, balanced, to me. It's a neat idea but I think many are overhyping its viability. Maybe if they expand it in the next expansion!
When we compare soul fragment with bomb on warrior, i believe that this will as good as dr.boom combine. But dh and warlock likes to draw cards fast, so theres this pessimism in me that it will not be as strong as we think.. maybe wrong, though.
If you are building a Soul Fragment deck, this is a must have pay off card.
I had the same first impression as the others: Blastmaster Boom but with fragments instead of bombs, and souls instead of boom bots. If I unpack enough soul fragment cards, will definitely try this.
Good card but i guess only playable in a Soul Fragment deck.
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I don't really think this is the ultimate pay off to the soul frags, and to compare this to Blastmaster Boom is to miss the forest for the trees. Blastmaster boom was a card that can finish games on it own, and its not a card used to clear boards. This card however, can do nothing but, and that's probably just not good enough.
But the real kicker is that the other soul frag synergy cards are just too good not to play whenever possible, and since they consume those cards, its somewhat actually negatively affecting this card's effectiveness. There is just no situations I can think of that I would hold on to those better cards just so I can play this card on 7.
Great card, great art, great name. Good game
I’m afraid this will be a little underwhelming in the end. It requires a lot of build-up but will definitely be an amazing swing play when prepared.
I also love that ”Soulciology” is a subject at Scholomance! :D
Oh wow, SO swingy. I mean, this is a huge board clear, or a 7-mana 5/5. I guess most often it will be something in between.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
This is rather like Blastmaster Boom, in that you want to make sure you have certain cards shuffled into a deck in order to get the full effect. Requires setup, but is a nice payoff.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
It's a more control oriented card that acts as an extra AoE while also allowing you to slap some stats on the board, be it just a 5/5 for some extra 3/3 tokens. While not broken, it's a fairly decent card.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Fits in the control fragment warlock, not so much in DH. That deck could really be something since this whole mechanic has a great synergy with Flesh Giant/Brittlebone Destroyer.
You may think this card as a bomb card at first glance at first but it is not.
Even if it can destroy 1 or 2 minions from board, that's a plus for the fragment deck i guess because when i see the fragment cards that adds them to deck, almost all of them is around clearing the board. You would be clearing the board again and again until this card comes in time.
It is not a bomb card, It is meant to be pushing the tempo a bit more in my opinion.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Soulciology : If you value your life, don't call it a "soft science."
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
A New "Doctor Boom" that spawn 3/3 with rush. The card is strong for sure and also don't destroy the fragment. If "fragment mechanics" work, this is an auto-include
Soul Shards look really fun but there's some fairly big anti-synergy with this card and all the other payoffs. It's probably still fine when summoning 2~ as 7 mana 11/11 is decent, especially if this is the top end of some zoo deck as most likely you'll run the enemies low on resources. Its the type of mechanic that I'll need to play around to see how good it is, but I'm not feeling this legendary but I'd be happy to be proven wrong since it looks pretty fun.
Cardboard wizard and dog haver.
I love this Soul Fragment mechanic. This one's the best for zoo
Amazing for souls!
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
I think this is a great payoff for the Soul Fragment package, but not a game-winning payoff. Soulciologist Malicia is a great card, but she and the Soul Fragment package doesn't provide the same inevitability that Blastmaster Boom and bombs provide for Bomb Warrior. I still think Malicia will see play, but 1) she demands that you run the entire Soul Fragment package for either class and 2) you have to run a game-winning package alongside the Soul Fragment package. I think this is easier to do in Warlock than in DH as Warlock as better late-game win conditions like Lord Jaraxxus (remember Demonic Studies?) and Arch-Villain Rafaam.
For glory, honor, and gold!
This is the least exciting soul fragment card, so I am not sure it will see much play.
The Huge payoff card for souls, if the Soul decks are good this is a must have.
Look like new boom
Bomb Warrior disruption at least.
Good, and it doesn't even destroy the Soul Fragments in your deck.
Idk how much this will be used but i can see how it can work out and become a staple card if the meta goes there
All hail the banshee queen.
Better than [Hearthstone Card (Blastmaster Boom) Not Found]. I think twice as good.
Given how powerful fragment decks look to potentially be, it could be very powerful indeed. I look forward to trying it out.
I'm not even sure it's a must-have for the Soul Fragment decks. It's not BAD, if you open it, but not an auto-craft either.
This card seems really strong because of it's stats and versatility.
1 Soul Fragment = eh
2 Soul Fragments = solid
3+ Soul Fragments = great
The endgame for a dedicated Fraggle Lock, this looks to be a very up and down play. While generating a bunch of Soul Fragments shouldn't be too hard, you have zero point zero control over when you will draw them, and if you're playing a Void Drinker or two, or a Soulshard Lapidary, you could end up pretty light on payoff. I get the sense that trying to make effective use of the Soul Prof will be frustrating and disappointing as often, or even more often, than it will be satisfying, but then, I've never been great at building decks that rely on powerful deckbuilding tricks, so this may work really well for those who have that skill.
2 soul frags are the minimum to make this relevant. Even if you use only the soul frags spells, shouldn't be hard to pull this off. Nice card all in all.
Seems worse than the Dr. Boom summoning bombs
The weakest soul shard card is the legendary one... Ironic.
By The Holy Light!
Hoping for that Golden version. :D
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Soul Fragment mechanic will enbale a lot of board clears and give you durability for late game instances
Everything related to Soul Fragments is something I will play for sure. And this is the big payoff card! 5 stars!
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
So I feel this card kinda contradicts the other "destroy a soul fragment to gain x/y" cards. You wouldn't want to run both, and in questlock, you probably would've drawn all the soul fragments already. If blizz had phrased this to be: "For each Soul Fragment created this game, summon a 3/3 soul with Rush" would be a lot better.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
As for how to make her great without worrying about destroying the Soul Fragments in the deck before playing her, just don't run any bonus effect cards. Only run the generators. And if you can, also run Sphere of Sapience. This way, you can skip drawing a fragment and control how many you keep in deck. You ONLY use the effect to shuffle back in dire situations or if a fragment appears. Otherwise, just accept the card given. Doing these together will make her awesome. (At least as far as Warlock is concerned)
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
I just don't see this making the cut even in Fragment heavy decks. You already have great options for what this card is trying to do, and it can even sometimes whiff id you draw all your Fragments or don't shuffle any in.
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Prepare for huge swings
Great control tool, still worth playing stats-wise even with only one Soul Fragment in the deck.