New Druid & Shaman Minion - Speaker Gidra
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Legendary Shaman/Druid Minion, Speaker Gidra, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Shaman/Druid Minion, Speaker Gidra, has been revealed!
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Just...solid. just play it whenever you need to cast a spell anyways and it's good value.
Best removal tool Druid has
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
This is already an okay anti-aggro tool if you cast a 2 mana spell with it, and it only gets better for higher costs. The problem is that it comes down a little too late against aggro if you want to combine it with a 2 or 3 mana spell.
At higher mana costs, both classes don't have many strong 4+ mana spells that aren't board clears.
I can't see this getting widespread play, but it definitely works.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Good card overall.
Works as a nice removal too - at least if you cast a decent Spell afterwards :)
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Something tells me we going to see a lot of trolden moments where some plays this and accidentally cast inervate/lightning bloom.
Speaker Gidra is super powerful. In Shaman you can easily pair this with a 3 mana damage spell (e.g. Lightning Storm, Lightning Breath, Serpentshrine Portal) to clear a midgame enemy board with ease. Druid has slightly less attractive spells to pair with her in the midgame (maybe BEEEES!!! or Swipe), but that's probably fine because Druid lacks a lot of board clear tools and will still like to have something like this in any Control Druid deck, and maybe even in an aggro/tempo deck as an insurance policy to ensure you can push through enemy taunts and end the game by pairing her with spells like Savage Roar or Blessing of the Ancients.
Flexible, and will likely clear the board for you.
Its more druid than shaman. Druid needs something like this, shaman less so.
As a stand alone card, i like it. Powerful and quite flexible. Mainly for removal i guess, but can be a surprise if opponent dont deal with it when the spellburst isnt activated.
Solid removal, and sometimes sticks on board after trading into something. Pretty good! Solid minion all around, will see a lot of play. Also you could just play this + a big spell on board to make it a super dangerous minion, that your opponent is forced to remove. Kinda like Siamat with divine shield & Windfury, but Speaker Gidra CAN have bigger stats.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
My god, is this removal? In Druid?? Jokes aside, it's pretty good. Clears two minions and leaves a threat, but it's not something that will make control druid/shaman work, only support it.
This card is must have in every spell based shaman or druid.. the power level of this expansion is off the charts.
even a 2 mana spell makes this minion insane for it's cost.
Can be used as a different Walking Fountain, like play this along Hex and remove 2 minions. Doesn't seem bad but Walking Fountain just seems better, at least this can be played way earlier with a 1 mana or 2 mana spell.
NOW IN DRUID, this can be either an early threat to a spell next turn or a good use of your reamaining ramp to remove a few minions since druid doesn't have much AoE.
3 mana, 1/4 is a statline seen in a lot of minions that don't see constructed play (Dalaran Mage, for example), but having RUSH and WINDFURY makes this card a potential removal for cheap tokens or lackeys created by your opponent.
The spell burst effect is nice, but an expensive spell is probably not going to be super effective to increase this minion's attack if you're needing her to remove threats, due to her having a modest 4 health. However, using a big spell with her is definitely viable if you're wanting her to go face. You'll just have to make sure the fist spell you play isn't 0 or 1 mana if you need to deal big damage to your opponent with the windfury.
But again, modest 4 health, you'll need her to survive long enough to get that additional damage from mid to big spells
A potentially very strong card, that requires careful thought by the player to get the most of this minion.
I love this card. Seems quite good. Can be combo'd because it has rush but you can also tempo it on 3 against a lot of decks so it's good early. Can be combo'd with a three/two cost spell for a powerful midgame minion, and you can combo it with a big spell later in the game to generate a sizeable threat that impacts the board with two trades.
This is kind of like creating your own Walking Fountain for a cheaper cost and minus the lifesteal, plus the effects of whatever spell you get to cast. I like it.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
If you play this with a 3 mana spell, then it becomes a slightly better Gyrocopter. But if you pair it with something like Overflow or Dragon's Pack then it will probably be able to kill two guys and still survive until the next round. This card is flexible, and useful. I don't think it will be too powerful, but a handy card to have in most situations.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
It's like a flexible, cheap and ofc weaker version of walking fountain or siamat. But the main point is - flexible. For both classes.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Rockbiter Weapon makes that minion a 5 mana 6/6 Rush windfury, sweet.
By The Holy Light!
Seems super strong with Shaman's spell-generating capabilities and Druid's access to good spells. It can help stabilize on a turn where you play something like Nourish, which is really strong in some matchups.
It's a great defensive card, because you're rewarded for doing something which you would anyway - playing spells. Getting a 3-6 for 5 mana is only slightly better than Grook Fu Master (wait, that exists?), but it has rush and you also get the effect from that 2 mana spell. It's nothing that breaks the pie, but it is very efficient board control tool.
Put in a faster deck like Token Druid or Totem Shaman, this is just as good - it's an efficient tool that works at a premium with your buff spells, proactively protects your littler dudes, and puts pressure on your opponent if it sticks around. Especially since Token Druid wants to run 5+ cost spells at the moment, I think we'll see this gal more in faster decks than slower decks.
Better call Thrall!
This card will do better in aggro with Savage Roar as a board controller and finisher. I think there will be better cards than this for non aggro decks. This card reminds me of Wardruid Loti. When Loti was revealed, it was thought to be a flexible swiss army knife that would go in any deck. In reality it didn't find a home in that many decks. I'm getting the same vibe here. This seems like a bait card, but with interesting effects nonetheless.
Loti saw plenty of play in Quest Druid. The only reason she didn't before was because there was just no deck that needed her (and she was a bitt too in you only ever played her in specific scenarios)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Both classes have access to plenty of good spells, both cheap and expensive, so you’ll probably never have a moment beyond the first few turns where you don’t have something to combo with this, and when you do it kills 2 minions most likely
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Damn, that's a must kill for your opponent ; such pressure and potential!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Great Card, it’s definitely on my wishlist. Yes you need to combo with a spell, but it doesn’t even need to be THAT expansive for this minion to get great value.
Any spell, even a 1-mana spell will make her very good. This will definitely be tried in spell Druids and Shamans since this card can just do that much.
Speaker Gidra + Mark of the Wild = 5 mana 5/8 Taunt, Windfury, Rush.
I want to see Mark of the Wild in the meta.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Fantastic card! Can't wait to play it.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Cute card that seems solid and Flexible. A nice removal tool for druid and this card can fit in different type of deck (in both heroes).
Decent way to introduce fast answers to druid without breaking class identity completely while it can be sort of a payoff to the spell shaman archetype Team 5 seems to be pushing.
Pretty ok overall.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
I'll have to wait and see with this one
Excited to see how big this card helps solidify the meta!
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Simple and not that legendary, but nice all around
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Seems really strong, but where would you play this in?
This looks more powerful in Druid than in Shaman, as the more expensive Shaman spells in standard right now are symmetric board clears. Druid also has a weakness of lacking removal in general, so Speaker Gidra helps shore up that weakness. Probably only sees play in Quest Druid that may run a Malygos win condition to serve part of the role Wardruid Loti did before she was rotated. I imagine you don't run Gidra in Spell Druid as you only want to run essential minions in that deck for Fungal Fortunes.
For glory, honor, and gold!
3 mana 11/4 windfury incoming!
"My winged children fill the skies."
"A hundred kings will rise again!"
"Who knows what secrets we'll uncover?"
"The stars align!"
"The stars align!"
Better than it looks
Not sure about this one. It has rush and windfurry, but you need to pair it with a fairly big spell to really make it good.
Powerful on 3 with a decent 4 cost follow up. Also better late game with some expensive spells.
Good effects and nice cost for what it wants to do
All hail the banshee queen.
Wow I like this card.
This card is bonkers insane absurd. This swings boards so much it ain't even funny.
Really creative idea for a card.
I suspect this will function a lot like Siamat, but it will be available at various points in the game with various strengths.
I suspect we will see this in most Shaman lists from aggro to control.
You get a 2/5 for 1-cost cheap immediate use, but that 4-cost Swipe gives a 5/9 Windfury for terrorizing your enemy.
I don't think Druids will complain about getting some form of removal.
I can already see Trolden videos with turn 6 Coin+ Overflow
Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet
If played on curve and spellbursted the turn after, may be a 5/8 windfury. At (4) we have Germination, Overgrowth and Swipe for Druid, all perfectly viable. Shaman have Torrent and maybe Hex. (3) got way more good options and you won't be that bad spellbursting it for (1) less. Late game, Speaker Gidra + any decent sized spell is 2 for 1, maybe even leaving a body behind against aggro. Pretty good card.
She is a strong board control, usable in mid-late game with only upsides. Very strong card
Situational but good. If you are able to drop her on the board late in the game with a decent sized spell to combo you could clear two decent threats and maybe she still survives.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Oooh boy, Speaker Gidra plus Survival of the Fittest (obviously not on the same turn). Would be so brutal, can't wait for those trolden clips xD
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Very strong card, since it's likely to at least trade 2 for 1. I can see it being played in midrage or control decks.
Another 'gets better the later you play it' card. Can't wait for someone to accidentally try and Coin out a larger spell for her.
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