New Priest & Warlock Spell - Raise Dead
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Common Warlock/Priest Spell, Raise Dead, has been revealed!
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A new Common Warlock/Priest Spell, Raise Dead, has been revealed!
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Not entirely convinced that it's actually that good, but it's basically draw 2 for no cost (and a huge enabler for any self-damage strategies like Vulture)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
5/5 this card is busted, draw 2 minions for 0? also enable self damage synergies.. QUEST PRIEST? Flesh Giant?
ress priest loves this card zoolock as well.. wow..
0 Mana draw 2 is insane in priest, especially since the downside is usually irrelevant given how much healing priest has. In Warlock it's a nice self-damage and value generation tool.
Oh ho, this makes the other Warlock/Priest cards look so much better. Not only could this act as a nice refill, but it can trigger their abilities for 0 mana. Also insane synergy in self-damage Warlock since it generates 2 mana when comboed with Darkglare. Immediately triggers Diseased Vulture too, the applications of this card are too many for it to not see play in at least a T2 deck.
I love it. It is cheap, it adds 2 cards to your hand, and it also adjusts your life total if you care about that. Plus, the cards that it generates are cards you already put in your deck, they aren't random. To me this is akin to saying "draw 2 cards" for 0 mana. I love it.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Nerf is coming! :D
Pretty nice in raza priest. Not sure where else this slots, but it can definitely outclass most 0 or 1 mana priest spells.
Not sure if this really helps any warlock decks, but the 0 mana cost is helpful. Might have potential in discardlock.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Priest: Okay so big synergy with [Hearthstone Card (Activate the Obilisk) Not Found] and *ugh RESS priest. I hate this card already.
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Warlock: Good synergy for control warlock. Gives them more resource generation, and it actually can generate more health for you if you hit a Soul Fragment generating minion. In wild this can give you more Voidlords and i'm not looking forward to it already.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
The "deal 3 damage to your hero" part seems really random and doesn't really have anything to do with the card, although it's obviously quite useful with Flesh Giant and Brittlebone Destroyer.
This card is definitely great though. 3 damage is absolutely nothing for Priest, just heal that shit back up. And you've also got 2 minions.
I find it really funny that out of every Priest/Warlock dual-class card, the Common one is the one that's the most complicated.
Pretty good, the 0 cost is insane since you can just AoE and then play this.
Mostly better in priest since healing is a joke.
Its not really that good. Sharing the same weakness as rez priest, and you deal 3 damage to yourself.
Its a rez priest card, but as was mentioned, it shares the same weakness as the deck, so its either win-more, or you get 2 sheeps or 2 frogs you will never play. Assuming you don't just die to aggro, that is.
Wow! Very strong card - never underestimate 0 Mana Cards but this right here is very strong. It has lots of Synergys like Quest Priest, Rezz Priest, Decks that need you to hurt yourself so some card (Flesh Giant for example) can benefit from.
Very strong.
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0-cost activator for change-your-health effect and some random value (not if you play a specific minions to die), imo this is a great card.
If you read this card as "0 mana draw 2 cards" it's pretty clearly awesome. Obviously you have to do a bit more work than just draw here, and the constraint that they had to have died means you might not put this in every deck, but it's probably one of the best cards in a deck built to use it.
People here not mentioning about this card in zoolock? The synergy with Darkglare and Diseased Vulture is insane and it's also just a really good reload for that deck. Maybe this can replace the Hand of Gul'dan combo.
I eat your fast food spare changes when you sleep.
The 0-cost is also a nice, cheap enabler for any spellburst effects that you might be interested in playing and activating immediately.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Hmm, I feel like Priest likes this way more than Warlock. But I'm eager to find out!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
In a set where minion's abilities are triggered by spells, a zero mana spell should be reviewed very carefully.
it's very difficult to compare this spell to others because it's somehwhat...unique.
On the surface dealing 3 damage to your hero sounds pretty stupid, unless you're playing the Flame Imp, which is the most aggressively statted 1 drop in Hearthstone without any hand buffs. Receiving 2 random minions that have perished doesn't sound terrible but you'll also need to consider that they might be the minions played on turn 1 and could be weak late in the game.
However Priest and Warlock both received cards that benefit from this card with Flesh Giant, Brittlebone Destroyer and Disciplinarian Gandling.
Flesh giant requires you to damage or heal yourself on your turn to discount it's cost. Brittlebone Destroyer is a single target removal that has the same requirements, and the minions this minion generates can become fuel for Galding to turn into more mana efficient 4 drops.
The 3 damage to the classes isn't a problem, either.
Priest has most of their spells that restore health (including their hero power) and Warlock received the Soul Stone package with Demon Hunter this set that can also be used to mitigate any damage received.
While Warlock received no Spellburst minion in this set, the priest did receive the Cabal Acolyte whose spellburst allows them to control a random minion on your opponents side with 2 attack or less. it should be noted that if you kill that minion this spell may return it to your hand.
It fits in just about any deck, like what deck doesn't want more minions they already played? Value for priest that isn't your opponent's (that's good), resources for zoolock and amazing synergy with self-damaging. Plus, useful with Brittlebone Destroyer and Flesh Giant. Yup, I could see this nerfed to deal 5 damage or even cost 1.
I like it a lot. 0 mana draw two for 3 damage is a better Warlock hero power. Can be used in aggressive deck to put more pressure or in Rez Priest deck to add more value
All around, great card. A way to recycle batllecry minions without having to necessarily rely on Brewmaster.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Excelent card, one of the highlights for this expansion
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Really OP
0-mana add two cards to your hand? That's bonkers.
Another top 10 cards of the set, Insane with decks like Rez Priest. Its only downside is that you can't play it on turn one.
2 minions for 0 manas seems good
good cost and resource creation but the 3 damage seems a tad bad for basically just putting things in your hand
All hail the banshee queen.
Given that there's Flesh Giant now, even doing damage to yourself is actually going to have a benefit as well.
Find out a way to make this work with only Giants.
Really good, 0 mana spells are always busted. Very good with Flesh Giant.
I didn't think this would be good upon first glance, but after seeing it in use, it seems kind of ridiculous.
It has a bunch of underlying synergies that make it scarier and scarier.
Miracle decks, self damage decks, value decks, re-using specific minions decks, etc.
I expect this will get mana-nerfed in the future.
Great card.
For (0) mana, that's awfully a lot of value - potentially
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Insanely strong card. I could see this getting nerfed to 1 at some point down the line.
The damage is vital for the new dual class synergies and the two minions can be pretty sweet in either class, but priest enjoys it more.
A really great card that hits the flavor note of both classes really well - I haven't seen any video of it in use, but I'm assuming it just randomly generates two dead cards in your hand, so you could end up with a lackey and a Frog if you don't build for it, or use it too late. Fun, definitely my kind of card, reminds me of all that graveyard recursion stuff in Magic.
Versatile enough for multiple decks. Priest can recover the damage in no time, and Warlock are used to the pain. I think this one will be tested a lot and will see play in both classes.
0 mana spell that generates 2 good Minions from your deck an enable sinergias with new cards like Flesh Giant or Activate the Obelisk and BDSM warlock.
Really good card.
By The Holy Light!
Gives a lot more fuel for just 3 health and doesn’t even cost any mana. Seems pretty good to me
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
I do not know... in this meta?
With some luck can give you another Kanrethad Ebonlocke and Zephrys the Great
For it's rarity and ability, this might be the best card in the entire set. I look forward to trying out some new priest decks.
Would this go into a Big Priest deck in Wild? I mean it could, but... what would you cut from it? And why are you still playing Big Priest?!
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Raise Dead has great applications in both classes.
In Priest, the Cube Priest archetype can use this along with High Abbess Alura on turn 4 to pull out a buff card and gain serious tempo and pressure on the opponent. Also, Resurrect Priest might like this to gain more revivable threats in hand as a class that lacks card draw.
In Warlock, I think Brittlebone Destroyer and Flesh Giant work better in Warlock with the Soul Fragment package, and Raise Dead is a 0 mana trigger for both cards while also potentially adding more Soul Fragment synergy cards to hand.
Overall, I see efficient use cases for the spell in both classes, making it bound to see competitive play.
For glory, honor, and gold!
This does so much for both Priest and Warlock. It helps with their health change theme, helps Warlock with any damage cards, helps Priest damage themselves to then be able to heal up, and lets you get back two minions - they could even be Flesh Giants that cost (0) by that point!
Welcome to the site!
Super solid card, better than other Resurrection effects coz you get to play battlecry minions again! :O With the zero cost, it may just see play in a variety of zoolocks, handlocks and rez priests
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
I'm going to have to be very careful what minions I play in a game with this card to make sure I don't just get low-level stuff from the early game that's useless by the time I play this.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
Crazy aggro Warlock tool, it will surely see play!
Can't wait to see this in gold.
I wonder about this card. Resurrection is a powerful mechanic because you can often bring back a lot of stats for far less mana than they would normally cost. Or, you could bring minions back in an even more powerful state, like with Reborn, or without damage they've dealt to themselves.
This costs (0), which is nice, but it also damages you for 3, which is negligible in Priest and 1-above-normal for Warlock. If this resurrected two minions it'd be nuts, but it gives them back to you. You now have to pay the full mana cost for them again, an opportunity which you might not have if you're losing or trying to pull off something else. The minions could also be really bad, which when resurrected is fine because they didn't cost you much, but here you'll have to pay for them.
In summation, I think this is a good card for giving you two minions, but that Resurrect will still be used over it because it provides less value.
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.