New Neutral Minion - Animated Broomstick
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Common Neutral Minion, Animated Broomstick, has been revealed!
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Animated Broomstick, has been revealed!
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Combo piece. Rattlegore came first to mind for some reason, but also summoning cards like Glowfly Swarm or Mass Resurrection could use this.
Serrated Tooth for all classes
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Its not as broken as it looks like. You still need to play and put this into your deck, and in some cases, its effect may not even swing boards. Its still a 1/1 at the end of the day. Reminds me of Serrated Tooth and that didn't see any play neither.
I'd play it in zoo, maybe as a 1 off in some midrange deck like dragon hunter.
A carpet for all. Is odd-paladin still a thing?
The fact that this one is neutral and cost just 1 is what makes it possibly a really good card that can be put in a variety of decks/classes.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Not that great. Most decks would rather run a suite of rush minions if they need removal + a body.
1 mana 1/1s are not good enough for aggro, and midrange won't like multi-card combos just to give minions rush unless they are really hurting for board clears, which seems unlikely given the density of pushed control tools already revealed.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Serrated Tooth was DR, required at least (2) more to activate immediately, and it was bound to Rogue Class, which is definitely not a board-buff class.
ie compare Rogue boards with Murloc Paladin or Token Druid or Odd Paladin.
Broom is far more powerful than the dagger.
Goblin Lackey is the best card (token actually) to compare this to.
and it's actually even favorable to that card.. seems great specially in Magic Carpet decks (Warlock/Paladin)
aoe rush buff? seems powerful when your main way to fight the board are minions.
This card is going to break something. I'm not sure what but Rush is super powerful and giving rush to all your minions on a 1 mana stick, extremely powerful.
Clearly a very powerful battlecry, but the opportunity cost on this card might kill it. I'm not excited about top-decking this unless I have a clear way to generate a big board in the same turn. Seems similar in its purpose to Magic Carpet, but where Magic Carpet shines is in enabling you, turn over turn, to control the board with new minions while your old minions go face. A one-time effect is fine, but it's a lot less exciting, particularly with such a weak statline.
That said, In a metagame with a lot of aggro decks and a lot of aggro mirrors or midrange/aggro matches, this could be a great tech card to ensure you can control the board, and I do think this is card you'll be excited to see off of the new Paladin spell, First Day of School.
Can'T really tell if this is really broken or too gimmicky.
On one hand you look at cards like Houndmaster Shaw and Magic Carpet who have been historically very powerful despite the huge mana investment (that most often won't last longer than 1 or 2 turns). Then you take this which is the same but limited to a single turn only, but without any mana restrictions.
It might just be a valueable tech card for many decks that don't have strong single target removal. As long as you have someething to play you can turn it into a damage spell for just one more mana. It also works well with poisonous minions or those with effects upon attacking.
Big Druid might want this.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I really like it, there are several 1 or 2 mana give a minion rush, and this is 1 mana all your minions have rush, but also you get a 1/1 added to this.
I'm not too sure about constructed though since it is cheap for aggro but aggro doesn't generally want to trade, but seems extremely good in Arena so you can choose how the value trades are made.
Finally some support for the Boogiemonster.
The flavor makes sense and the effect looks fun, but I just know this is going to be abused in some broken combo that we will all hate. Just don't know what it is yet, lol.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
this card offers a lot of potential to any class that can get a strong or wide board out.
Zoolocks already see the Magic Carpets in play, and this is 2 mana cheaper for a 1 turn effect
Demon Hunters have that 3/1 that deals 3 damage to any friendly minion that dies
The legendary minions from AoO that have prime forms can make use of this to guarantee sacrificing themselves to get their prime form before a transformation spell or silence hits them.
It's a versatile card that will see play, but I think the aggro decks will use it more than any other class
This card has a lot of potential. You can use it either alongside a lot of minions just to give them rush, or you can use it with a specific minion if you want to use it's Deathrattle or if it has an attack trigger. This is basically a Rocket Augmerchant that hits the entire board instead of just one minion.
I will not say right off the bat if this is broken, but it has a high chance of being used in a powerful deck.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Rocket Augmerchant is already a pretty reasonable card, and this is much better. Will see play.
Another nerf candidate. The power level of this expansion is really up a notch.
So this card gets hyped a lot, but i don't see why. Guardian Augmerchant also was hyped a lot, but quickly fell off. I bet this will happen also with this card. These days you only play 1 drops for their stats and to get ahead on board. I don't see this card being used in control decks, as they have way better tools to clear the board. This basicly leaves aggro decks, and i REALLY don't think aggro wants a 1 mana 1/1 in their deck. There are way better 1 drops like: Beaming Sidekick and Blazing Battlemage. there already is a card in the game that does this, but way better. This being Magic Carpet. Sure Magic Carpet is 3x more expansive, but it is harder to remove and gives it's effect over multiple turns!
The only time i see this being useful is in Shudderwock Shaman in WILD, just to make THE big Shudderwock turn even more devastating. But even then Shudderwock Shaman will only run 1 copy of this card.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
This is the one card where the "fluffy" name actually sort of makes sense. It's kinda like a Goblin Lackey which is quite useful, although Lackeys actually benefit from not being in your deck and not being drawn.
It seems good if I compare it to Houndmaster Shaw.
This one is really hard to evaluate, but I think it's not as good as it may seem. Y'all saying how this is a better/worse Magic Carpet, but truth is that card is no longer played and probably for a reason.
Prepare yourselves to get gutted by this card... Neutral Houndmaster Shaw for every class is borderline op....
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Not really that good as people seem to make it out to be. It's deck dependant, as not many minions can benefit as much from additional Rush, but in decks that can sacrifice a card slot for this, it can rpove useful. Something like Siamat with Divine Shield and Windfury. Also Shudderwock is nutty with this card, as every copy will be actually useful to reset board states. But in standard, it will be hard to find a place for this card. At least it is somewhat useful by itself.
I just don't think it can be warranted a deck slot, at least in Standard. As I mentioned, this will probably be a staple for Shudderwock decks. Maybe also in Hadronox Druid. And MAYBE with Immortal Prelate to actually turn these infinite value girls into decent plays.
4/5 in Wild, 3/5 in Standard
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
Great in arena, possibly playable in standard. I can see it being included in Highlander Hunter.
On paper absolutely broken in practice eehhhh? Awful draw late game and might not be too hot early since it does still cost mana and a draw. Also why isn't it Battlecry: Give all your minions rush instead?
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
This will be in every zoo/aggro decklists until it rotates
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Nice little card here. I like the flavor, as this will "clean up" a messy board.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Don't think this will see much play since decks that generally want Rush already seem to have ample ways to get it. Maybe its sleeper OP, but I can't currently conceive of any ways that this is especially useful.
Well that is one fluffy minion! A 1/1 Rush is nothing on its own, but with a whole board of furious minions rushing into battle? Yeah, I think this'll be good, and we'll certainly be seeing a lot of it in the first few weeks as people work out how best to make it work.
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
Good card - can see this working in Zoo-ish decks.
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I want to know if they gave it some fancy name or just a generic one. Or, you know, it could remain fluffy :)
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Maybe this is a Tech Card. I think that Magic Carpet is a card with a better effect and some extra value. I don't like the idea to use 2 cards sloot for this card...
Wait, it's name is actually "Fluffy"? I thought that was just a place holder! We finally have a real Fluffy card!
Everybody it's time to fly!! It's useful enough to make 2 minion go rush, but somehow i feel that this will not be that useful as we think it is.
I’d think it would probably be better to just play Magic Carpet instead of trying this as well
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Love the "animated" series... I'm making a deck with all we have so far...
I'd rather take Magic Carpet or Rocket Augmerchant over this. The effect just isn't worth card, especially in a deck that'd want to give everything Rush since you'd much rather spend cards on developing/clearing threats instead of spending cards to let your other cards clear stuff.
Cardboard wizard and dog haver.
Rush on a stick... Do not know how this could be nerfed in case of need other than costing more, wich could let it unusable
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Seems good but its overshadowed by effects similar to it.
the card is bad but the effect is nice if anything
All hail the banshee queen.
So much power!
Not that great.
I initially think I overreacted to this card, and after seeing the rest of the expansion, I suspect this will be swept under the rug.
This should be great at enabling fun and wild combos, but I'm not sure it will be a staple anywhere in the meta.
Just like Magic Carpet, the card is good, but probably only fits a niche here and there in the meta.
This seems like a neutral Trueaim Crescent, which is to say that I think this will mainly be a way to trigger deathrattles. I don't see much other utilization for the Animated Broomstick as if you want to give minions rush for a non-combo purpose, why not just run a better standalone rush minion instead?
For glory, honor, and gold!
Drop a lot of minions, give them rush and clear the board. Or use a board clear and save 3 or 4 cards. Your call.
Nice late game card but I don’t think it will see all that much play. Good in the decks that run nice and big minions.
What to say..
Maybe good in the new Warrior Rush style of decks?
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Very strong on the correct deck
This simple 1 mana 1/1 might be a card to tremble before lol.
Probably not going to be seen outside of First Day of School
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Good effect, but of course it's best when you are able to play a lot of smaller minions in a turn. I wonder if you ever play this with Evasive Chimaera just to get a clear on a big minion?
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
1 mana give your Minions Rush.
5/5 card, usefull in swarm/midrange decks
By The Holy Light!
Weird aggro/control. Summon two minions with a spell then play this.
Ah, I miss when this was Fluffy. This'll see play in Zoo and Token probably, but that's about it.
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Very strong aggro tool, I can see it being played regularly in any deck that has multiple cheap minions.
So I played this card in carpet zoolock.. basically it's a better Magic Carpet it gives zoo the power to fight back for the board with another card besides carper and it's just an amazing card and it costs only 1 mana.. and that's while my zoolock list doesn't even run any deathrattle minions.. with those it's even much better.
this card is very underrated in my opinion.. but your deck needs to get a lot of draw to support it so.. basically probably only good in warlock or demon hunter who got that amount of draw to support many small minions gaining rush.