New Warlock Minion - Archwitch Willow
Submitted 4 years, 4 months ago by
A new Legendary Warlock Minion, Archwitch Willow, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Warlock Minion, Archwitch Willow, has been revealed!
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It needs a strong deck building around this legendary. Oh, I miss the old Cubelock days. Maybe locks are getting some strong big demons this patch? It would even fit the Scholomance-theme.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Guess that confirms that big demons will be the Warlock theme.
Granted this is very low, but we do have The Dark Portal to make it work (also Quest)
If you think about it this is basically Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Enhanced Dreadlord is currently the best thing that this can hit, but it otherwise doesn't seem too good. There are some other decent demons that you might run in the same deck like Aranasi Broodmother or maybe even Dread Infernal, but the lack of good big demons in Warlock makes this card unlikely to see play as it currently stands.
I personaly realy like this Big Demon Archetype so i'll defenitely gonna give this one a chance. Seems a little slow at first but we have some tools to cheat out big minions like The Dark Portal for example.
Also, Warlock has good removal and Healing so i guess you can take it to the lategame for some Big Demon Shenanigans :)
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Really bad synergy with warlock's prime.
Both cards supports Big demon archetype, but that one negates the battlecry of the prime.
By The Holy Light!
"from you hand and deck"
What does this mean exactly?
"from you hand OR deck" or does it summon two demons?
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
checked the video ... so it's TWO demons!
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Seems really weak to me, given how late that effect actually comes into play
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Seems good to me, the big demons control warlock can run currently have taunt so 2 taunt minions for 9 mana and a 7/7 is good.. just playing those Aranasi Broodmothers that are stuck in you hand is great deal.. also it's a good card to discount with quest.
Here's to hoping they at least considered wild cubelock before printing Voidlord or Doomguard 2.0...
Haven't we already seen legendary warlock cards which did nothing but to (re-) summon demons?
A big swing card for renolock, but unlike n'zoth and bloodreaver, this one puts the cards into play instead of making copies. I think that if renolock needed more swing turns, they'd run kanrethad over this.
As a 9 mana card, this definitely won't go anywhere else, unless a specific combo needs to pull two demons into play?
This post is discussing the wild format.
Yet another card that I think'll look great in Gold! I'm already imagining that swirling purple fel magic. Although it's expensive, it's potentially on the level of pre-nerf Alexstrasza in terms of swing. If your deck only runs thicc demons, having 3 big bodies on board isn't something to scoff at. Of course, you don't get to discover the Demons, but I'm assuming good ones have been chosen to include in the deck already. Will wait and see what Demons this expansion brings us.
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
I wish it targeted Taunt or Deathrattle instead of Demons.
Demons? Demons...
It's a tool for a "Big Demon Lock" or a "Demon Tutor" for some combo that don't exit right now. Not too strong for 9 mana but in Wild can be used for sure
If only this didn't have negative synergy with Kanrethad Prime, it would have been perfect.
But there's still stuff this can do with Enhanced Dreadlord, so there's potential here somewhere. Maybe there would be better big demons down the line that can justify this massive 9 mana investment.
Even mora ways to cheat out Doomguards?:D Does the OTK WL even need it? Probably not.
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Pretty good, especially in wild. Ironically, it's Demon Hunter, not Warlock, who cold really abuse this card in standard right now.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Please do not give them such ideas :D
Bad synergy with the prime, but i feel like we must not underestimate this card! There must be a few big demons still yet to be released that can make this card broken, and it tutors a card from your deck. Tutoring cards from hand/deck has previously been extremely strong. Just think about Patches the Pirate, Voidcaller and Call to Arms. Sure this is more of a late game card, but this gives so much mana discount. If you ONLY summoned a single Enhanced Dreadlord with this, you already saved 8 mana.
Also in wild this can tutor Mal'Ganis and Voidlord. This is really good. also if your holding 1 Voidlord in hand, and you have 1 in deck. And you play Archwitch Willow you get 2 Voidlords on board. This cheaps out 18 mana! This card seems insane.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
In wild you have better cheat cards that come out a lot sooner such as Voidcaller and Skull of the Man'ari. And by turns 9/10 you have things like Bloodreaver Gul'dan or N'Zoth, the Corruptor to swing the board. I don't know exactly what you could do with this in standard, but my hopes for the card are low. Things like Dimensional Ripper, or The Boom Reaver didn't work too well in warrior partly because of their high mana cost. Cheating out a 10 mana minion on turn 10 isn't that impressive. Granted, this card does only hit Demons whereas Dimensional Ripper can pull any minion. This means that there isn't as much of a deck building restriction for the Warlocks as there is for the Warriors.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I wish this would have been the dual class with Demon Hunter, to make Pit Lord a bit more relevant.
I love playing warlock decks with demon synergy, but I have to say that this effect isn't exactly stand-out. I'm sure it can be useful, but it will need the right deck built around it, likely with fewer low-cost demons in order to maximize the effect.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
This could make some very scary swing turn in the late game. I guess you could have very fun with this in wild, with all the big demons there.
Honestly I think the Kanrethad stuff isn't a big deal. You want to play this as soon as possible anyways and there's usually no reason to throw out Kanrethad early anyways (unless for tempo, in which case you probably aren't playing for the long game either way)
I don't think it's going to be difficult to hold on to Kanrethad until after you've played this...and even in the worst case scenario, she still pulls a 7/5, which isn't too bad.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I'm not sure that there's a "Big Demonlock" currently there, but cards that cheat out Demons have historically been pretty good, so it wouldn't surprise me to see this being used somewhere.
This lady is very powerful - being able to cheat out medium and big demons from your hand and deck should not be looked down upon unless you're playing against another control deck.
That said - she's very slow, as many other players have pointed out. While getting to 9 mana is not difficult for a warlock to achieve with their removal spells, on turn 9 you'll want to be clinching the win. Currently warlocks have the Dark Portal spell - which is a minion specific draw spell that will significantly decrease the cost of this minion when drawn if the conditions are met (which are also easy to meet). But with the Dark Portal you'll also end up hitting other minions more likely since this is a one-of in your deck.
There's also the issue of minions to include with Willow - cheap demons are better suited for more aggressive decks to be played on curve, and you wouldn't want to wait until turn 9 to win the game. Control decks favor mid to big demons with Aransai Broodmother, Enhanced Dreadlord and sometimes Fel Lord Beltrug, which might be okay if you don't draw them before her.
We need to see what other demons Warlock and Warlock/Demon Hunter receive this expansion, but currently Wild has more demons for this legendary to pull off than Standard.
Also this is Warlock's most attractive legendary to date, most of their legendaries are usually monstrous and scary
Seems busted in Wild, but doesn't have a lot of good targets in Standard. Maybe we'll see some more big demons this set, maybe with Rush?
Lots of tempo, seems good.
Slowish in wild, weakish in standard. There will probably be more support for this in this expansion, as well as in some of the next 4 during its time in standard and this will almost certainly find a place.
This card is insane, just doesn't have the demons to pull yet. Enhanced Dreadlord is a super strong pull, but we need more things to pull for consistency, and more payoff cards to give you a reason to be playing a big demon deck in the first place.
Might be my favorite card of the set so far. Just give a good big old rush demon (RIP Doomgaurd/charge) and it's a bootleg demonic Kathrena Winterwisp
With the new legendary Lorekeeper Polkelt I actually think the potential of this card just went up a lot, since you can get it way more reliably. Maybe in a Quest warlock shell like this?
People calling this card bad- people have been playing Dragonqueen Alexstrasza for the same cost for unknown results, this card has known results (deck building) there are currently 2 demons with taunt that are great to play with this card (Enhanced Dreadlord and Aranasi Broodmother) I doubt we will see 0 good big demons that are bad to summon with this card this expansion.
Although I am warlock main I hope they are at least a bit weaker than Voidlord but around that level of impact so you can get rewarded fro playing big demons again it's fun as long as it's not obnoxiously early and it's a reward for controlling the game for so long or it's the stabilizer card.
This will finally give Enhanced Dreadlord some play time*!
* In standard
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I guess more big demon in the future? Cause right now seems not so promising, like the counter synergy with the prime
Control Warlock needs survivability if it wants to be viable. Soul Fragments can provide said survivability and only one of the generators is a demon. And while this card has anti-synergy with Void Drinker, it's still a 4/5 Taunt pulled out of the deck at a stage of the game the cards' battlecry is less relevant. Hell, even pulling Spirit Jailer from your deck at a time you definitely don't want to topdeck it can add some late game consistency at the cost of a less powerful tempo swing. Tempo swing that you can somewhat control by controling the demons in your hand.
Sure, this card isn't amazing especially when considering how games tend to be over before this card can be played, but it can be an extra board swing in control match-ups, giving Archwitch Willow some utility in that scenario.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
There are not enough big Demons in Standard to justify running her and she is just unnecessary in wild. Good card but won’t see play unless she gets more support in Standard
This ain't no place for a hero
I prolly won't craft this card, but if I unpack this I wanna play with some demon lock shenanigans.
This would've been bonkers as a DH card which have stronger but slower demons, especially the new Ancient Void Hound.
Cheating out minions on turn 9 has seen play in the past with Master Oakheart, but that primarily saw play in Druid who played Oakheart earlier than turn 9 on average with their ramp. Also, Oakheart pulls 3 minions from your deck, which helps filter your future draws. Archwitch Willow only pulls 1 minion from your deck, lowers your hand resources by 1 card, and can't be played for the batttlecry earlier than turn 9. Willow just seems too slow to make sense out of running big demons in standard.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Big Demons incoming!!
Not that sure this will see play...
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Not good enough right now, but might see play when it games more support.
Big demon decks will thrive with this card, can they survive till then tho
All hail the banshee queen.
I'm trying to think what big demons you'd want to summon with this?
That demon better be worth it, like a or something with Face Damage.
I just don't think Warlock has remotely enough support for this card to see any play.
9 mana is so slow for the effect, especially considering the available demons.
Love the theme/art of this card, but I guess I'll never get to see it.
Awesome Cubelock legendary. =)
You need a lot of big demons for this to be truly good. I reckon wild cubelock could use this more than any standard deck would reliably do so.
Full control Lock with the biggest, baddest, biffest Demons you can find. They are not many, but seems a fun strat for a change, at least before the meta settles.
Don't know that there's enough big Demons in Standard to make her worth running, but I'm excited to try out some decks with her in Wild, even if they end up just being memes. The idea of summoning two huge demons to help her out is a fun fantasy - reminds me of cards like The Boomship.
Welcome to the site!
Super Juicy for control, but the current big demons are somewhat lackluster atm. Will have to wait for future expansions, but I do like this.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
This is a beautiful card that just makes me smile. I have no idea how often this will work out the way I'd want it to - I get the sense the (rigged) matchmaker will set me up against Priests and Warriors every time, just hoarding their Plague of Death or their Brawl until she makes an appearance. That being said, it will be satisfying pulling a Varian Wrynn style grand entrance with a Dread Infernal and a Pit Lord or something. Even more amusing in wild, with Doomguard and Mal'Ganis and others.
I'm pretty sure that if you combine her with Buffy and Xander and Giles, nothing will be able to stop her, and the Hellmouth will be closed.
With big demons... maybe. Maybe. More of a wild card.
It will see some play in Cube Warlock in wild
If put in the right Control deck, can be scary. Otherwise, it's just an ok card.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Big demon warlock might become a thing, especially in wild.
Really good, strong effect, but is it going to be good? Might end up being way too slow for Standard.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Nothing crazy, but it may be useful with some Discovery mechanics and large minions like Pit Lords.