New Priest & Warlock Minion - Disciplinarian Gandling
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Legendary Warlock/Priest Minion, Disciplinarian Gandling, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Warlock/Priest Minion, Disciplinarian Gandling, has been revealed!
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Interesting, but probably too expensive for aggro decks to make good use of. Maybe you can use this with lackeys or eggs, but I don't have much hope for this card.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Strong card for Warlock decks but I don't see a place at all in Priest decks.
A pretty good card for tempo decks, and another card that slots nicely into tempo deathrattle priest, which is a remarkably good deck.
The combo potential of killing minions as soon as you play them is probably not anything that spiritsinger umbra can't do, but this definitely has potential.
This post is discussing the wild format.
I would be very much surprised if this didn't push zoo warlock to tier 1 or making the infamous (but failed most of the time) zoo priest. works really good with deathrattles and even surprisingly good push into the late game. It would disappointing if this ends up being too slow but that wouldn't stop me from trying.
also 10/10 performance Kibler!
Wonderful reveal video, watch it!
does this trigger deathrattle? very strong !
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Oh boy! I card that can instantly kill my eggs and summon other minions in their place, as well as other deathrattle cards? I'm excited about this one.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
This is what reckless experimenter wanted to be. Eggs have always been good in zoo, but awkward to activate with basically only Recruiter being available.
Pretty strong card, there are a lot of small minions in aggro decks that will like the upgrade to a 4/4. And this card alone is a decent tempo play. I wonder if the 4/4 statline is the now established standard, after Quest rogue and Pharaoh Tekhan, it seems like 4/4s tokens are what Blizzard settles as "good enough".
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I ADORE this card. I pushes tempo/zoo style decks for Warlock and Priest by appealing to things that both benefit greatly from. Eggs and other cheap deathrattles like EVIL Conscriptor are popped instantly and it essentially makes every minion you play a 4/4, letting it function as a pseudo-Tekahn for lackeys. As it stands, the only major downside to the card is that it effectively does not allow you to play any Rush minions, removing some reactive tools typically in zoo decks and having anti-synergy with Magic Carpet. That said, it does make that new broom card a bit more interesting.
Interesting synergy with Wisp, Jar Dealer, Leper Gnome, Fiendish Servant, or as mentioned earlier, any Lackey. And it's appropriately stat'd at 4-mana 3/6...this is good enough to simply play on curve without going off in one turn.
worst community ever
Fun flavor! Synergy with deathrattles (eggs?!) and lackeys. Could see some interesting experimentation.
Cool effect AND has a lot of potential. The stats are great, and the effect can be extremely good.
Egg Priest? Sounds weird af, but it might happen.
If zoolock aint tier 1 now, than i don't know anymore. Also this seems good for priest as well, might actually make zoo/tempo priest finally viable! The only "bad" thing is that you can only use it for a lot of value late game, but hey reloading the board isn't that bad of a thing, and these decks can now run a similar package as FACE Hunter, with Leper Gnomes and so on. I'm honestly scared of Zoolocks powerlevel this expansion. Let's hope this wont be DH-level nerfs part 2, Warlock edition.
Also it looks like Dark Pharaoh Tekahn Might have been powercreeped (a little, Dark Pharaoh Tekahn will still be better in a lacky-based zoolock deck.)
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Am I the only one who thinks this whole Priest/Warlock dual class thing is decidedly Warlock favored? Not that I'm complaining, Priests can eat a dick anyways.
So for Warlock this is almost like Dark Pharao Tekhan, except not a permanent effect. You throw this out, play your lackes and turn them into beefy boys. Obviously you use eggs as well, meaning there we now have a very decent sacrifice shell: this + Tekhan + lackey generators (cable Rat becomes a lot better with this in your deck). Possibly with a Discard package for draw (Or Galakrond, both work). Warlock is looking quite strong so far.
Priest on the other hand I have no faith in unless they get some really efficient deck thinning. Right now tempo priest absolutely cannot work purely because if you run out of cards you're done for. No cycling. At best you can try and steal something from your opponent's deck.
If Egg Priest were to work (it probably won't) it would need a solid shell (pun intended) first. Right now we have a disjointed mess. Priest doesn't generate that many lackeys and they don't really have a lot of small disposable minions.
At best I could see this in some sort of Galakrond Priest to turn crappy minions into slightly less crappy ones.
I'm assuming we're gonna get some more support for this type of Priest, but it better be good or else they might as well have printed this as the solo Warlock legendary.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
A powerful legendary for both Warlock and Priest.
We've already seen Warlock have a good deathrattle this expansion with the Spider egg minion, this legendary is also telling us that priest will have deathrattles to play with as well (fitting, since it's in scholomance).
because of this minion's cost you'll want to play him followed by at least 2-3 minions that you don't mind dying for some 4/4 - namely either lackeys or cheap death rattles or Reborn minions such as Leper Gnomes, Evil Conscriptors, Grandmummies, Fiendish Servants, Murmies, even Reliquary or Souls or Ebonlocke would be good to play after this minion.
We still need to see what other deathrattles and maybe (?) reborn minions we get in this set
However because of the cost you won't be able to run him in the most aggressive of decks, like Houndmaster Shaw (same cost 'n stat line) this minion will probably be more at home in a midrange list.
Super interesting card! It's look stronger in warlock, but this card have a lot of potential. For sure can be used in some zoolock or in a tempo deck. Also the presence of lackeys and new card like the Egg can make this card so strong
does priest even have use for this?
this seems like a zoo card for me.. they are pushing zoo priest but is it good?
Not sure this is as good in zoo as most are thinking. Zoo wants to explode on the board. 4 mana for a 3/6 isn't that. It only lets you explode onto the board if it sticks (wishful thinking) or you play it along side a couple one drops in the mid-late game but how do you have all those 1 drops in your hand still that late as zoo. The only way I could see is if disco lock becomes a thing and you're proccing hand of guldans left and right, with the previously build spider card I guess this is possible but disco lock needs more support than that.
It's a solid card though. you might play it just for the chance it sticks. 3/6 is very good stat line for a four drop. MIght be playable but it just doesn't seem insane to me yet.
Priest probably isn't playing this. it just doesn't have the cards that make sense with it like lock does. tempo priest can already jam stupid ammounts of stats on the board in better ways. and its still a bad archtype because no card draw.
Its obvious its a zoo card. The real question is whether priest can share in the fun as well.
At the moment, the answer is obviously no. But tempo priest has always been near the rim of viability, so there's some hope. If nothing else, its still a 3/6 for 4, and that has to count for something.
For zoolock, the question is whether this is better than Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, and the answer is decidedly meta dependent. If control decks are on a rise, the tekahn is without a doubt just better whereas if midrange tempo is, this Disciplinarian Gandling would take the stage.
I don’t really see this being all too amazing to be honest, feels like one of those cards that gets really hyped up, and then only sees fringe play later on.
Other than eggs, I can’t really think of that many cards that would work that well with this one, and even with eggs it’s a bit too awkward to use it I’d think. By the time you can use an egg with it, your opponent has access to some of their bigger board clears, and you’ll no longer have your eggs as a way to resist a board clear
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Deathrattle FTW... now all we need is another Undertaker
At first I thought it was completely insane (in warlock, it's average in priest), but the more I think the more it seems like a clunkier EVIL Recruiter. It's still an obvious pick for zoolock though, since the ability to "buff" ANY minion is much better than just being limited to lackeys.
Before I say anything else, I cannot wait to see this as a Golden minion. The glint in my eye is blinding me as I type!
Besides that, I'm not savvy enough to know how this card will be used. I've read a lot about it's potential in Zoolock, or even Tempo Priest, but we have Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, and that has only seen limited play. If it manages to stick around after being played, it could be a strong card, but I'm just going to wait and see.
If it's beautiful in Gold though, I'm crafting it anyways and no one can stop me!!!
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
Cool effect + relatively cheap mana cost opens many doors
This will be fun!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
At face value, it looks really good to me.
I am seeing insane value in zoolock. It essentially converts all tokens to mid sized minions as well as acting as a deathrattle activator. Both of which are staples in zoolock.
It does have an anti-synergy with Magic Carpet and [Hearthstone Card (Scrap Imp) Not Found]. That said I still see it being run in Scrap imp decks as a contingency card if you don't draw a timely scrap imp. As for Magic Carpet, you could swap in [Hearthstone Card (Fluffy Broom) Not Found] instead. If have a lot of tokens in hand, this plus tokens then Fluffy Broom could act as a pseudo board clear.
So far, my #2 must craft card of the set.
I wasn't expecting them to go hard on the dual class thing, but I must say - this legendary is really nice and yes, while it favors zoo/lackey/egg type warlocks, I thing priest and his deathrattle reborn shenanigans can also maybe find a use for it.
The stats are also nice for the mana cost. Not too expensive legendary.
And a bit darker theme, not that wacky like KT for example.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Yes it does! Kibler showed it in his Video.
Strong card - not only for Warlock. I think this has also lots of potential to be good in Priest. I think it will be way stronger in Warlock but also managable in Priest.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
This with Boneweb Egg is 11/12 stats across 4 bodies on 6. Great way to swing back the board if it got cleared the turn before
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
It's solid if it sticks, but honestly it might be too slow.
This will be an amazing card. Lackey synergy, deathrattle synergy. Way stronger in wild, but should be powerful in standard too.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Absolutely busted. This card will carry Zoo until it rotates.
Is this for deathrattle deck? maybe not now. Not sure what warlock deck want to play this though, priest neither.
I think this is a good back up plan for Zoolock if they don't hit Imprisoned Scrap Imp. I think this is tougher to see play in a Tempo Buff Priest as they don't have nearly the same level of card draw as Warlock, especially since this has anti-synergy with Voracious Reader. Disciplinarian Gandling is practically a win condition on turn 4, which makes me think it has to see play in at least Zoolock.
For glory, honor, and gold!
On Warlock, this card can revive Zoo on its own, and make it a very aggressive deck, especiallt with cards like Voracious Reader for extra fuel. And while it can also work the same way for Priest, they are more dependant on Voracious Reader as tempo Priest doesn't have other reliable options for card draw right now.
Disciplinarian Gandling is one of the cards with the most potential of the entire set, imo.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Pretty fun card, makes wisps and eggs a lot more explosive which is cool. Don't see it doing much in Priest but I could definitely see it doing some stuff in Warlock.
Cardboard wizard and dog haver.
I'll try tempo priest with this.
Priest have tons of cheap deathrattle/reborn Minions like Grandmummy.
By The Holy Light!
Incredible on any egg/deathrattle deck.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
This is going to be a fun card to combo with
Very insane in Zoo lists. I wouldn't be surprised if it ever does get nerfed.
really nice stats and a nice effect for deathrattle decks or tokken decks, just imagine all the eggs you can play now
All hail the banshee queen.
This would certainly work with Lackeys.
5/5 card that is going to dominate the meta unless it gets nerfed.
The amount of token cards that exist with upsides via deathrattle or a battlecry is so abundant that this will definitely see play.
In Warlock, it's another "Tekahn condition" for Lackeys (with no downside after Tekahn activates), so I am looking forward to pushing Lackey Warlock further.
Tempo/Aggro Priest is likely enabled by this card alone.
This will make a good team with [Hearthstone Card (Dark Pharaoh Tekahn) Not Found].
Good in both classes for either lackey/token destruction or deathrattle value.
Maybe in zoolock, turning you little dudes into medium dudes, but only turn 5 forward, and thats usually close to GG for or against. For priest, even with deathrattle, I don't see why. Anyway, kinda lackluster.
Thank you sir, may I have another? Everyone needs a little discipline now and then, and with the [Hearthstone Card (Succubus) Not Found] and [Hearthstone Card (Mistress of Pain) Not Found] trapped in their respective dungeons, we've got Disciplinarian Gandling ready to step in. He feels like a swinger. . .um, swing turn. . . kind of guy to me, if you're building up some lackeys. He also can make some use out of late game 1 and 2 drop minions, especially those Galakrond enablers that the Priests always has 2 to 4 of every game - I'm assuming you get your battlecry off before the discipline is dispensed. Or is it a safe word?
I do not know... but looks fine
Great card, but idk if Priest fits this. Hope to see play with it though!
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Caverns Below but better
Because I can't see it as being that useful in a priest deck, this will be what I get for my golden legendary, but good for warlocks, I guess.
Gandling made me rate this card 5 stars under threat of punishment if I didn't.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Good card, specially if you play cheap Deathrattle effects. I can see decks being built around it.
Incredibly with Lackeys and Eggs - not an obvious powerhouse but I think this will be a really solid component of a high-tier deck.
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