What do you think of the card art changes?
Submitted 5 years, 6 months ago by
The next xpac looks amazing to me, and the patch looks like it'll add or fix a nice amount of stuff, but, but why the card art changes? Are these responses to some people complaining about succubus card images or something? They are a legit and essential warlock pet in WoW lore. I'll bet the other ones involved removing blood or something as well. I guess that's ok, but I don't see anything wrong with the way they were before either. If any art is going to get changed, it should be for those early cards like Gruul that have art of the wrong character on them in the first place.
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The next xpac looks amazing to me, and the patch looks like it'll add or fix a nice amount of stuff, but, but why the card art changes? Are these responses to some people complaining about succubus card images or something? They are a legit and essential warlock pet in WoW lore. I'll bet the other ones involved removing blood or something as well. I guess that's ok, but I don't see anything wrong with the way they were before either. If any art is going to get changed, it should be for those early cards like Gruul that have art of the wrong character on them in the first place.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
I suspect it was to comply with (ridiculous) censorship in China. It's a bit annoying because I really liked my golden Headcrack and Bite, but now their animations are mediocre at best.
Yeah, they ruined Secretkeeper, unfortunately. First Jaina, now this. RIP
They literally removed [Hearthstone Card (Succubus) Not Found] as a card and replace it with a random demon. LMAO
And Headcrack looks like hot garbage now. Come on, Blizzard
Why should we have to abide under the rules of China? I refuse to bow to them as Hearthstone overlords, lol. I guess it would be hard to manage two sets or art for different countries, but I'm sure it could be done. At least we'll have records of the art in books and sites like this.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
Whole thing for reference, stolen from Reddit.
I half-understand changing the oversexualized female characters (although I don't think anyone was offended by this), but removing the blood is a bit strange.
Four cards changed for Boobs, four cards changed for Blood.
I think the new art is better than the old art (with the exception of Headcrack... and Eviscerate, obviously). If they want/need to be PG, they can be PG. I don't play card games for the sexy men and women.
Welcome to the site!
The bright side is that most of thenew artworks are actually better than the old ones.
I wouldn't even say they were oversexualized, given the purpose of a succubus, it's just the right amount of "sexualized". I never even noticed it on the harpy or secretkeeper, although I'll admit that their new art does fill the space better from a composition standpoint. I don't know about anyone else, but none of these ever aroused me in the slightest. It's not really any worse than a lot of people choose to wear in real life anyway.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
They changed Jaina because she was showing too much cleavage?
The new secret keeper is showing loads of cleavage. Just as much as Jaina surely?
Felstalker is the same card as Succubus, but with "less offensive art" (?) At least until someone starts finding Felstalkers sexual! And the Felstalker pet for Warlocks in WoW is a pretty classic thing related to that class. Similar to Voidwalker.
With that in mind, I get why they changed it to Felstalker, but I'm still a little unsure of why it had to be changed so much instead of just updating the card art. Also, I'm confused by Mistress of Pain being changed to Queen of Pain. Is "mistress" a bad word in some parts of the world?
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
I like the newer art More.
Although I will miss the old one.
I'd love to have a choice for cosmetic same as alternative hero .
alternative cards art .
I can understand the changes. What im confused about is how they pick these cards to be changed. I guess cause they are from bacis/classic sets? Cause there is waaaaaaaaay more suggestive card art out there, some hell of a lot more revealing. For example Silver Hand Regent :o
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From what I understand, "mistress" sounds a bit too "BDSM-ish", although I thought that was supposed to be the point. You know, with the whip and everything?
Hilariously, now that they changed the name, they will need to change the flavor text as well, because it made a joke relating to the name.
I agree that, while understanding the reason behind those changes, they're removing a bit of flavor from the game itself. [Hearthstone Card (Succubus) Not Found] was not only a Warcraft-themed minion but a common demonic creature spread across all media: the first incarnation of a sexy winged girl as a succubus was introduced for the first time within Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (1997) and then it has become pretty canon as concept.
Pretty sad that they've decided not only for a censorship but for a total rework of the card, imho.
At last the majority of those new artworks are better than the old ones.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
“You’re in trouble now”
the irony
The new art looks better, I don't think anybody but the sensible governments that are offended by everything cared about those themes being present..
I hope we will see more art updates just cause some cards could use them rather than because of some regulations from some crybabies that hate blood and boobs.
I'm guessing this is Blizzard complying with chinese censorship. What I find fascinating though is how this bowdlerisation of art, at least when it comes to "sexualisation" totally falls in line with emerging western puritanism.
Not a single person was ever harmed by sexy pixels in a video game. To any reasonable person this should be no less ridiculous than "D&D causes satanism" or the idea that uncensored Headcrack art leads to violence.
Don't like any of the changes, specially bite, and I will really miss Sucubuss. How long before Kor'kron Elite and Whirlwind change too?
For anyone wondering, the also change the voice lines.
Bow down to your Chinese Overlords
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I agree with this 100%. Tbh I am more annoyed to see the art of Bite, Headcrack and Deadly Shot being changed than the one of the "oversexualized" female characters. Hearthstone used to refer to (World of) Warcraft with its violence and epic lore moments - now we are slowly seeing a censored, child-friendly card game (Kooky Chemist). And I know there are some cards with way more inadmissible art as Sinti said (Frost Lich Jaina), but I liked Bite and Deadly Shot for their grotesque artwork. The old cards reminded me of the moments, when I used to play a lot of Wotlk when I was a teenager, and I got a sense of nostalgia, whenever I looked at their art. The new versions (or at least some of them) fill me with disappointment.
And I don't want to offend a specific country's culture, but imho it would have been better, if this artwork change only applied in the Chinese region. This would have been similar to the case, when the Forsaken's models looked less bony and the graves were removed in the WoW Chinese servers.
A sad day in hearthstone history :(
Practiced a new deck vs. the AI warlock and first thought, "Hey, did they update the AI decks with new stuff?"
Nope, just artwork that offended some government official somewhere.
/New conspiracy theory: Elite Tauren Chieftain was really HOFed because someone hated Rock & Roll ...
//Where's my tortured strawmen, loaves of Scholomance bread on the floor and bags of sand deathrattles, China?
I don't really mind about the card art changes, for the most part the new art looks nice and crisp.
Bit annoyed about the card name changes but people will get used to it soon enough.
I am glad they used similar colour palletes for the cards so you can recognise them at a glance. All except Headcrack.... Blizz clearly realised that nobody plays it and thought "fuck it"
One thing that specially makes me angry is that this invalited their always used argument of 'we don't do this because will confuse our players', but they not only change art and names, but and entire card in Fesltaker without any previous announcement, something that genuinely confuse the playerbase, but really, I blame myself for being surprise of all of that.
Whaat about Aviana though?
I see here some debate over whether people were "offended" by overly sexualized artwork, but I think that misses the point. There is way too much sexualization and objectification of women in art and culture today, and video games are (I'm pretty sure) among the worst offenders. Since these games are played by a lot of young people, and certainly more males than females, they can't help but feed toxic masculinity with this type of art. It's not about what statement it makes, it's just about having these images be commonplace and acceptable. I applaud Blizzard for making these adjustments. As others have noted, there are many more potential candidates (Aviana, etc.).
If you're upset about content changes (a Felstalker and a Succubus are not the same thing), I agree with you. However, ask yourself how important these details are compared to everything else that makes the game great.
I think the bloodshed argument is more straightforward. Are many of us okay with or even fond of the graphic detail in some of the art? Sure. Do we need this to enjoy the game? Certainly not.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
literally not why they are doing this. Also, way to make yourself look like a clown
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Everytime a game changes something for being too sexual, I get reminder of this video:
EDIT (off topic): Is there any way I can put the actual video instead of just the link. The button doesn't seem to work for me.
Edit (sinti): fixed it for you.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Just about everything that's been said before, say, Boomsday, is now out of commission. New change of leadership. New rules. It's why they are making fast changes to nerfs, why we get buffs and cards midseason, why old mechanics are returning, and so on. consider everything back in play until they say otherwise in RECENT post.
As far as the overall concept; it's China. China has a VERY different culture from the West and now the big money comes from them instead of us. Expect this to be a normal thing to expect now.
As far as the cards themselves:
I actually like Queen of Pain better. She's more dynamic in her art. The only thing going for the old one is that it's a 'mistress' which only works well in a "oo I sexy demon, wink wink" way. Sidenote: silly to say it's a sexual thing when the Queen is wearing almost nothing compared to the Mistress.
Eviserate: literally took me a few minutes to find what was changed...I think. It's that bit of blood? Literally makes no difference beyond just getting angry at the concept.
Succubus: I'lll admit I'm sad about this one for a second. Though now that I think about it, what IS the concept behind a succubus that steals YOUR card in order to be stronger. Makes more sense for her to have lifesteal or something. So beyond nostalgia, a random beast that's strong but takes your card makes more sense
Windfury Harpy: MUCH better art. She's still basically naked so again "THIS is the anti-sex version?" What has changed is that the new harpy's back isn't broken. Seriously guys LOOK at the old harpy's hip and back and realize bones don't go that way. Now that I see the comparison I REALLY don't want to see the old one around again. It's having that "broken jaw James Bond" feel now.
Secretkeeper: Going to be blunt, new girl is hot, old one always looked meh with a messed up face. You lose all ability to judge art styles if you disagree.*
(*yes I'm joking, but I do so much prefer the new art and always disliked the old one)
Bite: meh. I prefer the old one here. But it works so whatever.
Deadly Shot and Headcrack fail. Flat out. I don't mind changes for decency and morals but you have to keep the theme of the card, which is why I agree with Felstalker over succy. Deadly did the reverse. WTF is the new card demonstrating. Couldn't you..say, just do a shadow effect of an arrow going through a 'target' or..well something other than a random arrow flying through the air? headcrack artwise looks better, but the old one REALLY spelled out what the spell was doing: whacking someone and coming back to whack again.
So yeah, 3 improvements. 3 'meh' acceptables. 2 fails.
Why trade with minions when you can face for...billions?
Flavor text was already updated with the art
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Very disappointed about the change to [Hearthstone Card (Succubus) Not Found]. It was clearly done for puritanical reasons. Changes to the other sexy chicks bother me less because the sexiness is still here :D
The other, non-sex related are postive. The new arts are much better, even though these cards weren't the worst offenders.
Something interesting they could do is card arts that depend on which hero is used. For instance:
EDIT: Shit, I didn't notice the other arts were changed because of the gore. Well, at least the new arts are of better quality I guess.
I am not aware of any causal link between art and behaviour. But I will note with some bemusement how ideologies, religious or secular, have a tendency to veer off into puritanism. It's always the same argument: "ban [art I don't like] because it causes [bad thing]."
Whether that's bikini-clad women causing earthquakes, or scantily-clad harpies causing sexism, it's all a faith-based proposition.
I like Deadly Shot's art conceptually. It's literally the 'before' of the original picture. It's the ballista arrow that's about to pierce that tauren. It definitely pays homage to the original artwork.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
with this new art logic Whirlwind deserves double nerf to the image. Boobs + Blood
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Fucking hate the new art. In every case. Hate the name changes too.
Edit: my bad just seen there is a blog on the main site
I'm pretty sure a compulsive masturbator was triggered so it got nerfed.
Deadly shot should be renamed "Merely a flesh wound shot" (text- He'll be ok, promise) to avoid offending people's sensibilities.
The only change that really bothers me is Deadly Shot. Probably because it's the most played of all these cards (except Eviscerate which was barely changed). The new art has a ton of negative space, and just doesn't have the same flavor. The three ladies actually all look way better. Felstalker should only be referred to as Dana or Zuul.
I really love the older, grittier art that was taken from the original WoW trading card game. While the newer, more cartoonish art is appealing, I still think the older art is better in most cases. As for the individual cards:
Queen of Pain: I think both pieces have merit, but the name change is dumb.
Eviscerate: Can hardly see the difference, so why bother changing it in the first place.
Succubus/Felstalker: As numerous people have said, Succubus is a core demon to the Warlock class in WoW and a fantasy staple. The fact that of all the cards, this one was swapped entirely really makes me doubt the Hearthstone team. World of Warcraft is the foundation that Hearthstone was built on and it seems like they've either forgotten that fact or don't care.
Deadly Shot: While I appreciate the connection between the old art and the new, their is no doubt that the old art was better.
Windfury Harpy: In my opinion, the only indisputably upgrade.
Secretkeeper: I see people saying that this new art is better, but I can't bring myself to agree. The new art isn't bad, but it doesn't feel like the same card and is rather boring. Now it's just "generic mage".
Bite: What a pile of steaming shit. Give me the old art back.
Headcrack: The old art looked cooler and matched the name well. The new art feels like it wasn't even made for Headcrack.
I don't think a little blood or boobs is going to corrupt anyone. This feels like the video game equivalent to wrapping kids in bubble-wrap. I'd rather Hearthstone stay true to itself and its roots than bending backwards to please everyone.
Ridiculous. There is censorship everywhere now. In 10 years all cards will have the same art because we will always find someone to argue with. We forgot that at a point we all were naked outside killing each other for territory or food. Now whatever you say or do we'll always find something that isn't "correct" so we constainly afraid of doing things without hurting someone, it's not an healthy environment. "Evolution", i'm not sure this is evolution anymore...
Murlocs <3
It's not a big deal, really. I'm still surprised that lost of people are complaining about the toned down boobs and ass. I don't know about them, but I don't play this game to get a raging boner over some scantily clad illustrations.
The new art looks better, aesthetics-wise. The old art was starting to look dated.
Fun fact about Stoneclaw Totem in the dalaran heist when played from hand vesinna says "I thought it was a snake". like 99% of people.. I still can't see how it's not a snake unless you actually open the card art.
I am seriously getting so god damned sick and tired of these types of comments.
You're just projecting.
Just because you're immature and can't see a woman body without obsessing over it sexually and without getting a '' raging boner '' doesn't mean that other people can't...
A fully grown adult in particular should be capable of seeing a womans body without reacting that way, even most teenager high on hormones can.
I am getting so tired of well-meaning but extremely condescending men in particular with the '' overly-concerned and protective father syndrome '' who think that they need to protect women from themselves and that they're being '' woke '' for modesty policing women ( while being totally okay with half-naked men. I can't even begin to count how many times I've seen men post pictures of themselves shirtless in the mirror, and then shame women for wearing normal clothes that show cleavage.
I have to deal with this all the god damned time as a woman and I am getting so tired of it.
And if you can't see a womans body without getting a hard on then you have some issues that you need to work on, if anything you're just outing yourself without even realizing it with your comment.
A healthy adult man doesn't have that reaction to it...
The human body is beautiful, and I think that we all like seeing them.
If we can look at mens bodies without going '' hurr durr unzip pants fap material '' then we should be able to look at womens bodies in the same way. You can appreciate art like the Succubus without it being '' for fap material ''.
It's just such an immature and puritanical way of looking at it...
And there are a lot of cards with far more revealing male characters.
And cards like freaking Succubuses or even the Harpies who are basically beasts are the last card that should be censored...
If skin being revealed doesn't make sense then, when does it make sense and why ain't those same standards applied to men?
Tbh, Malfurion is pretty damn hot. There are many half-naked hot men in Warcraft... Should they be censored because I find them attractive?
Succubus is a shit card, but why the hell replace her art with a felhound? That's an unbelievable, strange choice. I never thought of the card as ''sexualized'' anyway, and even if it was, so what?
Can I give this comment OutOfCards gold or something?
Hearthstone team makes a game for a 3 year old kid with overly sensitive parents and to pass China's troll requirements.
And, at the same time, Final Fantasy XIV in China:
For me, it was awesome occasion to make a cards with alternative image together, to make game more customizable. But no.
Also yes, Malfurion is pretty hot...and I'm a straght dude
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Took me a while to figure out what had changed with Eviscerate since I don't own a golden version of it. I think that a dust rebate is in order here like any other nerf. I don't want to profit from this; I just want what's fair.
China's HS playerbase must be gargantuan for this to happen. Then again, this by itself is not surprising.
This reminds me of LoL's visual updates or art updates. Most of them look better, but it is odd to see them at first.
As for the desexualization of the cards, I don't really care. I never played Hearthstone to have a wank, nor do I know anyone who does. This issue is (probably) minor.
Also, I really dislike catering to a dictator-like censorship for the sake of profit, but then again every single entity in the world that caters to China does so solely because money exists. This is hardly a Blizzard issue.
Also also: Windfury Harpy? Really? We are censoring that card? Even in the Classic Set we can find better fap material, if that was what rustled their jimmies.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
Just played a game of hunter and it completely thre me.
I've been here a while; just hanging out in the background.
I'm Chinese and believe me, this has nothing to do with our culture. Chinese players aren't getting offended, it's Winnie the Pooh and the Chinese government who are babyRaging about the art
You know what's really offensive? The fact that women are apparently not allowed to wear anything "revealing" in modern society anymore. The only statement I'm getting from these changes is that women should watch what they wear, lest they arouse or corrupt random men. Meanwhile, men can wear whatever the fuck they like
What women wear shouldn't be about nor dictated by what men think. Women looking gorgeous should be about themselves; it's a celebration of the female body (just like how all the sculpted bare abs are a celebration of the male body), yet here we are being told it's not acceptable
I think the whole thing is all sorts of idiotic. Let's think about this for a second. The game was made primarily for a western audience, it's where it debuted and where it was made, so it makes complete sense that it would be stylised in a way that appeals and suits the given audience. Then another audience enters the market, and in order to appeal to them, the game forgets its origins and overhauls a bunch of art and makes new guidelines for future arts in order to appeal to that audience. In the small scale, that seems ok, right? Just get rid of blood, the game's supposed to be kid-friendly so why not, and get rid of sexually suggestive content (which kids probably wouldn't even get, so, why? but whatever). Also let's forget the fact that Garrosh is running around all naked and muscly, it's fine to use stuff like that to appeal to the female audience but god forbid we have some female suggestive characters like Succubi in the game, think of the children! Double standards all around. Fully agree with NightCrawler above.
However, China specifically is a problem territory. Don't they have a thing against depicting things like bones, human remains and stuff? So you're telling me that Roll the Bones and every, single, skeleton card in the game is up to being censored next time cause we got to appeal to the Chinese? Exclude an entire section of fantasy (necromancy) out of the game made for western audiences because the eastern audience might not like it? Next up, Kel'Thuzad will be getting a fresh new paintjob with a mask on so we don't see his skelly bits. Blizzard made its own product. If that product sells on its own merits and if there is a demand for that product in the east, that's the east's thing to deal with if there's a few things here and there that don't appeal to them. It's not like Blizzard came crawling to China to please save the game with their money, so why are the devs the ones who have to adapt? Have some integrity and principles. Stand proudly behind the product you made and say, "do you want it or not?". Don't immediately spinelessly change everything to appeal and please like you're some servant.
The new art is great however it still sucks that it had to come to this. Guess we can't have succubus art. TBH i never liked the art of bite or headcrack though. Unfortunately eviscerate just got a straight up visual nerf lol. Plus the name changes are probably going to throw some people off for a while, myself included probably. Felstalker and Queen of Pain are similar but not quite the same. At least we still have 'of pain'.
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It's just bad, we should be abel to dust them for the full cost !
I just realized that Queen of Pain is now basically Akasha from Dota lol :D
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they did update the flavor text of queen of pain and fel stalker.
succubus used to say "warlocks have it pretty good" but now reads "this puppy chews up cards instead of shoes"
Carrion, my wayward grub.
What can i say? updating old card art is awesome, we need this for a lot of classic and basic cards even for new one Potion Vendor (her eyes makes my eyes bleeds), but updated only few cards without any words, without anything - it's not the right decision. Like other said, it s because of censor, i think, Chinese laws too, maybe not, but that's why it's important - we doesn't know why! I know, our rating is 12+, that's mean - no blood and sexual content, but wait, a lot of cards still there with blood and anything, Blizzard, are you lazy or what? why exactly these cards? why not all?
What i found, i ve searched only collectible cards, maybe missed something: Sanguine Reveler - maybe it's juice, but i don't think so. Whirlwind - 2 in 1 like said above, Drain Soul, Holy Smite, Mind Blast, Vaporize - pretty rude, and skeletal things, i think, it's not 12+ possible and in Chine skull and human bones are censored, Amani Berserker - golden art like Eviserate. Betrayal - like deadly shot, Cold Blood, Blood Warriors - even names, my children must be protected from this mess, [Hearthstone Card (Missdirection) Not Found] - golden art, Mana Addict - sexual content, Eydis Darkbane, Fjola Lightbane and other valkyries, Bloodscalp Strategist, Face Collector, Arfus, Poison Seeds, Witchwood Piper - Succubus 2.0, Master of Disguise - idk, he is male tauren, but his disguise is too sexual for us, Duskfallen Aviana - almost same pose as classic Harpy.
The Skeleton Knight, Coldwraith, Brrrloc and other cards with skulls and skeletal things, in China it's not child content and possible can be censored.
Almost sure nothing special, but we can censor this too:D - Cornered Sentry
As you can see, a lot of cards, and i ve missed something like 5-4 heal your face for 4, Cabal crystal runner and other border line card arts. Typical Blizzard, even in censor they can't complete all in 1 patch.
PS i forgot 1 thing - Bloodreaver Guldan, his hero power, almost 100% sure blood in animation
I really don't like Headcrack or Deadly Shot.
headcrack looks too cartoonish, and it really just looks like a troll making a fighting pose. the old art illustrated what the card did, and it looked and felt more real.
deadly shot is now just an arrow, why? there wasn't much blood in the art before. the old art was good because it was a arrow that killed someone, now it is just an arrow. but what I mainly don't like is all the orange. it is too bright, and empty.
my favorite change is probably to Windfury Harpy and [Hearthstone Card (succubus) Not Found]/Felstalker. not because they were to sexual, but because the new art is better.
before, windfury harpy was making that weird pose, and it was kinda discerning. this one looks more like a threatening monster, less like a trapeze artist with wings.
I like felstalker better than succubus because in general I like demon monsters better than demon people. the new card I think is better thematically, and succubus didn't really make sense when you think about it. why was she stealing your cards? having it be a demon-dog makes more sense for that.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I literally don't care.
Wow, secret keeper even got other voice lines and another flavour text. Was this really neccessary?
I always played warlock in World of Warcraft.
I (almost) play warlock in Hearthstone.
Rest in peace, my lovely succubus.
I don't like it. I especially don't like changing card names. Changing a card's text is too confusing for new players, but changing a card's name entirely isn't?
worst community ever
Except, Queen of Pain and Secretkeeper are wearing LESS CLOTHING now. Windfury Harpy is wearing a little bit more, but she's still basically naked. It's certainly not the winged aerobics teachers you see in western Yu-Gi-Oh.
I really doubt censorship or China had anything to do with these changes. If they did, they would've just region locked it they did for The Skeleton Knight, Abomination, and a bunch of other cards. They did this because Hearthstone's art has evolved. They don't want to depict blood and violent deaths anymore. They don't want women in stupid-looking poses. They probably don't want succubi because of the connotations. The game is very cartoony now, and they want to stay consistent with that theme.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
By changing Succubus to a Felstalker they ruined the thematics of the Grim Guzzler bossfight in BRM.
Oh yeah, these Forum Signatures are a thing.
Next on the chopping block: "Deathrattle."
Since they don't want to depict violence, they absolutely need to rename Deathrattle, DEATH is in the name and I find that offensive.
Also can we please petition to change the wording of any card that says "deal DAMAGE"? That seems a bit violent for my tastes.
Finally there is the issue with LifeSTEAL. I don't want this game to be encouraging theft or harming others.
worst community ever
Well changing the Art doesn't realy bother me, sure some of the old art i would've like more but that's still ok. But chaning card names or simply replace them with others is simply confusing ... but i guess we'll live :)
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Absolutely agree with this. As a straight male, all of the posts I see about "missing boobs, game is ruined" is really, really stupid. Boobs do not define the game, the game defines the game. People who say that they're going to "miss the boobs" or whatever are just making themselves look stupid and immature. Even if they're joking, this stuff really does affect people.
To put it lightly, the world is an unfair bastard.
I get that it's not "the point" (censorship), but the main reason this isn't bothering me is that in practical effect, it's like the tree falling in the forest: If HS changes the art on cards that are never played, does anyone ever notice? Aside from Deadly Shot & Eviscerate, I never see ANY of these cards being played (well Secretkeeper once maybe every 100 games against a Secret Paladin/Hunter). So really I wasn't ever seeing the old art and will likely never see the new art except when going through the collection so whatever...
Did you regularly get raging boners from the uncensored Secretkeeper art? Did the old Windfury Harpy give you an uncontrollable urge to masturbate right then and there? No?
Then for god's sake don't throw out this strawman that the only people who are upset about censorship & bowdlerization of art are mad because their favourite spank bank got closed down. It's a ridiculous argument on it's face, and as others have pointed out, it really does say more about you than it does about anyone else. If "I don't need boobs in my card game" is your best argument for change then you're admitting that you HAVE NO ARGUMENT. All you've got is vague attempts at shaming others for not being a puritan.
Since people seem to believe your avatar on a gaming forum is a portal to your inner psyche, I'm sure folks will assume this post is an anti-SJW rant. Nothing could be further from the truth.
OF COURSE, they make these changes if they think there is even a possibility that the old content could cause problems . . . in new OR existing markets.
OF COURSE, different countries have different censorship standards. For Christ's Sake, you can't meme in Europe without potentially being sued by the IP owner anymore (thank you Article 13). So I just know none of you complaining are doing so from the EU, because pot is definitely calling kettle black (in a non-racial allegorical way) in that case. Don't even get me started on the proposed insanity before the US House of Reps on this subject.
and . . . by the way . . . OF COURSE, you are lying to yourself if you start a post with "I don't give a damn about these changes, BUT . . . "
As the great American philosopher Jimmy Dore once said, if you include the word "but" in a sentence, you have just erased, and probably are about to actively disprove, everything that came before the word. See, for example, last Thursday's US Democratic Primary Debate ("I don't believe you are a racist, BUT . . . "). This thread is no exception.
Bottom line is this. If you are a fan of Hearthstone, and not just a fan of edgy content and defending perceived slights from PC culture (which, by the way, I don't put in quotes because it is definitely a thing), you are fine with this change. I have no idea whether these changes were necessary, but they are so completely insignificant in the grand scheme of things, of course Blizzard would take this tiny precaution.
As for commentary on one country's policies over another, let he whose country lays no bullshit on the altar of PC cast the first stone. Something tells me there won't be many rocks flying.
I'm happy with most of the changes, not because I think nudity is bad, but looking at it their art was just trash. While I think Aviana is totally fine because she looks like a gorgeous goddess, old Secretkeeper just looks stupid, her body makes no sense, her spine is twisted through and through, it's just wrong and overdone for no reason. Same for old Windfury Harpy, what the fuck is going on with her hips. And honestly, that Succubus art just looks a bit too cosplayish and could be improved. Pretty sad that they just gave up on her for a random fel demon though.
I however disagree with the changes for the spells art.
But that said I don't actually really care because none of those cards were special to me.
It's the HS version of the original Japanese Dark Magician Girl brought over to US and censored on her English counterpart all over again XD
Some of the changes were good, but most of them were just bad. Deadly shot was so iconic and how it's just bland.
The changes were done mostly for China's strict censorship rules. Blizzard already has three games under investigation by the Chinese dictato- government for Blood, Violence and Inharmonious Chat (not censored chat). These changes are just Blizzard prepping in advance for when it's Hearthstones turn under the microscope.
A lot of people also like to praise that these changes are good and making the game more "kid friendly". This game is rated T for TEEN, kid's aren't suppose to be playing this game and just to clarify what's allowed under the T rating:
If Blizzard wants to censor their game for China then go for it, but please just make a China only client. If they don't then nearly half the cards are gonna have to be changed for their strict rules.
http://www.esrb.org/ratings/Synopsis.aspx?Certificate=33195&Title=Hearthstone:+Heroes+of+Warcraft (ESRB's page for Hearthstone's rating)
It's 90% luck, 1% skill
9% concentrated power of will...
10% pleasure, 90 % pain
And 100% reason to delete the game.
The change to Deadly Shot is killing me, that thin little arrow thing doesn't look dynamic at all. I'm fine with taking out the violence but they should have made an attempt to do another close up of the bolt.
I don't mind the Secretkeeper art switch, but changing the sounds I think is the worst part.
am I the only one wondering about this conundrum:
How is "poor animals being sucked into death" being less disturbing than a few drops of blood, I just find it a bit strange